DECA sends its thanks to the Michigan Tech Alumni Association

Alum Assoc

The Alumni Association has donated funds to Michigan Tech’s Student Organization, DECA.

DECA wishes to thank the Alumni Association for helping to support the opportunity to attend the State Leadership Conference in Madison, WI this coming spring. Without the association’s help the School of Business and Economics’ DECA Students would not have been able to achieve their goal of competing and representing our University at the state level.

The purpose of the Michigan Tech Alumni Association Board is to sponsor events that allow them to contribute to the University’s strategic goals. The students of DECA and the School of Business and Economics would like to thank the Michigan Tech Alumni Association for their support!


DECA Students Travel Downstate


Michigan Tech’s Collegiate DECA members attended the DECA State Career Development Conference earlier this month. In addition to networking with thousands of DECA members from Michigan, members were afforded the opportunity to take knowledge developed inside the classroom and transform it into solutions to real world problem. Of the students who attended, 75% of them qualified for the National Conference to be held in Orlando, FL at the end of April. One of the students, Jeffery Hines, even placed 2nd overall in his event. Other awards were handed out to the National Conference nominees, proving not only their ability to be hands on with problems, but the ability to solve them in a timely, and professional manner.

Are you interested in joining Tech’s DECA team? Contact Advisor Soonkwan Hong at shong2@mtu.edu or visit their webpage.

This article was written by Cassandra Barry.

DECA Chapter Has Banner Year

Haley Florinki smiles on with Dean Klippel and DECA Advisor Becky Lafrancois after her 1st place finish at Internationals.

Michigan Tech’s DECA Chapter attended the Wisconsin State Career Development Conference this year with all members traveling to Madison, Wisconsin to compete during the spring semester.  Members attending the event included: Brittany Barry, Angela Barr, Kaylee Betzinger, Haley Florinki, Frank Kampe, Gabe Kallungi, Sarah Ochs and Tom Simonsen.

Michigan Tech DECA students were very successful at the conference with all participating members taking home medals. Awards Received by each member are listed below:

  • Haley Florinki took home the gold in the Banking and Financial Services category. She received a plaque and three medals.
  • Sarah Ochs received the gold in a Business Research prepared event steaming from research conducted in her Marketing Research class with Dr. Jun Min. She received a plaque and three medals.
  • Tom Simonsen took an overall of second place receiving three medals in the category of Corporate Finance.
  • Brittany Barry received a medal in the Accounting Category with second place on her role play as well as placing in the top eight for her exam and being top eight overall. She took home three medals.
  • Frank Kampe participated in Restaurant and Food Management placing third place for his exam.
  • Angela Barr and Kaylee Betzinger worked as a team in their Business to Business event receiving a medal for being top eight in their event. Angela Barr also received a medal for being top eight in her exam for her category.
  • Gabe Kallungi participated in Restaurant and Food Service Management receiving three medals by placing third for his role play.

DECA Vice President Haley Florinki was the only Michigan Tech student to go on to the international conference.  She traveled to Anaheim, California where she also took first place in the National Management Institute category.  We are proud of DECA Chapter and look forward to their continued success and growth.

DECA Chapter Attends State Conference

Members of Michigan Tech's DECA Chapter at 2012 conference.

During the first weekend in February, the Michigan Tech DECA chapter made their way to Battle Creek, MI for the State Career Development Conference.  DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.  

Being the only chapter from the Upper Peninsula, it was a long 10 hour drive, but well worth it.  Competing in various events, four of the six participating members took away medals and plaques!

Michigan Tech Award Winners:

Brittany Barry, a third year Accounting major took 3rd place in the accounting competition.

Sarah Ochs and Gilbert Ramirez, third year marketing majors, both received medals, and were finalists for Marketing Management.

Cory Rokes, 5th year marketing and management major received a medal being a finalist in sales management.

Thank you to all who participated.  Way to represent our school, we couldn’t be more proud!  You are a testament that student’s from Michigan Tech’s School of Business and Economics can apply all the necessary business skills they learn in the classroom into real-world scenarios.