On November 4, the Finance Club had the opportunity to visit Chicago to meet with finance professionals across the industry. First they visited Northern Trust, a financial services company. The club had the opportunity to speak with professionals who specialize in areas such as wealth management and private equity. The professionals at Northern Trust emphasized the importance of taking advantages of opportunities, such as internships and school programs like APMP. Students also learned that it is important to constantly challenge themselves to make a lifetime career, not just a job.
The club then had the opportunity to tour Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE). There, the club learned how trading used to be conducted in the chaotic world of trading floors and see how much technology has impacted trading and investing.
Students were also able to tour the Chicago Federal Reserve where they learned about the role the Federal Reserve plays in the U.S. economy. The Federal Reserve is responsible for functions such as setting monetary policy and regulating the banking industry. It is also responsible for keeping the money supply at sustainable levels around the country. The club had roughly $3 billion of cash under their feet as they learned about the nation’s bank.
After a successful trip to Chicago, the Finance Club says they are ready to spread knowledge throughout campus through multiple financial literacy events. Stay tuned for more information!