Tag: SBE

MIS 2018 Alumni Scholarship Recipients Announced

Congratulations to the 2018 awardees for the annual MIS Alumni Scholarship.

Paul Torola (JR)                                                                                                 Taylor Hedmark (SO)

Paul Torola










We could not be prouder of our students. Congratulations to both recipients.

The MIS (Management Information Systems) Alumni Scholarship is an endowed scholarship that created and funded by Alumni of the MIS program within the School of Business and Economics. T he criteria for selection is the following: an MIS major (or dual major) with a strong academic standing, a demonstrated commitment to the MIS degree program, and professional communication skills.

SBE Marketing Student-Cuenot, Wins Men’s 20K Freestyle at the Telemark Series

4o34l6se2vlggrrkTech’s Cuenot Wins Men’s 20K Freestyle at the Telemark Series

The Michigan Tech Nordic Ski Teams were on the road again last weekend traveling to Cable Wisconsin to race in the Telemark Series at the Birkie Trailhead.

The Huskies had success in the freestyle competition Sunday. The men’s team competed in a 20K and the women raced in the 15K.

Gaspard Cuenot won his race, crossing the line seconds before Northern Michigan’s Adam Martin. Following Cuenot was David Jaszczak in ninth place, Tom Bye, 14th, Tomi Mikkonen, 27th and Mark Wenzel, 38th.

“It’s great that Gaspard got his first NCAA win, and against a strong field,” said Tech Head Coach Joe Haggenmiller.

In a field of 33 racers, Carolyn Lucca led the Huskies in 14th place with a time of 57:04.7. To read the full story and find out more about Michigan Tech Sports, visit michigantechhuskies.com.

2016 Sam Tidwell Outstanding Man and Woman in Business

Each year the School of Business and Economics recognizes two students who bring honor and pride to the School through high scholastic achievement and involvement. Students eligible for this honor went through an intense interview process that included an essay and interview with faculty.  This year 8 men and 11 women applied.  We are pleased to announce our winners: James Sturos, Accounting and Hailey LaFleur, Marketing and Management!


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The Outstanding Man and Woman in Business award is sponsored by Peter Negro of Negro and Associates, CPAs.

APMP Travels to NYC

Four students from the Applied Portfolio Management Program traveled to New York City for the Quinnipiac Global Asset Management Education Forum.  This two and a half day experience provided students and faculty from 47 states and 36 countries the opportunity to interact with industry leaders while learning the best practices in investment management. Zachary Bedell, Matthew Mateer, Kendra Rasner and Dallas Bond traveled by car from Houghton Michigan to attend this forum.

The forum included key note presentations, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities.  Kendra Rasner even had the opportunity to close the Nasdaq alongside other students attending the forum.

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Senior Dallas Bond shares his perspective on the experience:

We left Monday March 28th at 2:00 pm, it was the usual trip except we were headed to the big apple. We reminisced in the car and joked around like most college students would. First we had to get through Pure Michigan which takes forever in itself and then we crossed into Ohio and drove the turnpike all the way to Pennsylvania and through Pennsylvania to New Jersey onward to New York.  We had many stops throughout for the usual bathroom break and food. Once we arrived into New Jersey and into New York everything seems so crazy. You’re sitting in bumper to bumper traffic and everything is almost so overwhelming. It can be a bit frustrating but it is a really good learning experience. While in New Jersey and New York once we got settled at the Hotel we used public transportation which took us the first day to get the swing of things but by the end of the week we had it pretty down pat. While in New York we got to see the Statue of Liberty, the NYSE, the Nasdaq, Times Square, Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, the World Trade Center, the Empire State Building and just the crazy city that is packed with 8 million people all trying to do their daily routines. Traveling and experiencing a city so big can be tiring and stressful but it also teaches to many different things. It takes you out of your comfort zone and no matter where you travel you always learn something new. You learn more by traveling and doing then by staying exactly where you are. I think we all enjoyed New York but we were also at the end just happy to get back to our lives and be home here at Michigan Tech. Always take the opportunity to journey into a foreign land as it will teach you many lessons you may have not learned otherwise.



VITA wins Tech’s Exceptional Program of the Year

Outstanding students, staff and a special alumna were honored on Friday, April 17th at Michigan Tech’s 21st Annual Student Leadership Awards Ceremony. The event’s keynote speaker was also the winner of, perhaps, the most prestigious award presented. Britta Jost, ’02, ’04 received the 2015 Outstanding Young Alumna Award. Jost is senior engineer in large structures design engineering for Caterpillar. In her remarks, Jost recalled the changes that have occurred since her days as a student, most of them in technology and social media.

“Back then, if a speaker looked out and saw the audience looking down, she would have thought they were bored or disinterested,” she said. “Now I know you’re posting my remarks on Twitter.”

Jost said the most important aspects of a Michigan Tech education have not changed since her time here a decade and half ago.

Perhaps the most prestigious undergraduate award, the Presidents Award for Leadership, was presented to Kim D’Augustino, a double major in Materials Science and Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. President Glenn Mroz cited D’Augustino’s numerous accomplishments including serving as vice president of the biomedical engineering society, mentoring students through the Wahtera Center and the ExSEL program and acting as event coordinator at the recent, highly-successful, campus Relay For Life.

Dallas Linville, was the recipient of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Advancement Award for Service, Nate Peterson received the Exceptional Leadership in Student Governance Award, the Exceptional Enthusiasm as Student Leader Award was presented to Luke Dalton and the Student Employee of the Year was awarded to Taylor Driscoll.

The Rising Star of the Year, presented to a first or second year student showing great potential for leadership, was awarded to Keagan Fortier. Britta Anderson was named Outstanding Future Alumnus or Alumna. The award is presented to a student already living the Alumni Association’s motto of “Celebrating Traditions, Creating Connections.”

Other awards handed out included:

Exceptional Program of the Year: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program

Members of VITA present their award for Exception Program of the Year alongside their advisor, Anne Warrington


Most Improved Student Organization: Mu Beta Psi

Exceptional Community Service Project: Society of Women Engineers, Homecoming Spirit Sprint

Claire M. Donovan Award: Susan Liebau, Director of the Waino Wahtera Center for Student Success

Student Organization of the Year: Broomball Committee

Student Organization Advisor of the Year: Jeremiah Bauman, Broomball Committee

The Provost’s Award for Scholarship was selected from the Departmental Scholars. This year’s recipient was Melissa Michaelson, Departmental Scholar from Social Sciences.

Award recipients who received their awards at previous ceremonies were also recognized. They include:
Percy Julian Award: Taylor Driscoll
Exceptional Graduate Student Leader: Abhilash Kantamneni
Exceptional Graduate Student Scholar: Xu Yang
Outstanding Graduate Mentor: Dr. Gregory Odegard
Greek Man of the Year: Jonathan Iafrate
Greek Woman of the Year: Erica Morley


This article was originally written by Mary Wilcox and posted in the April 22, 2015 edition of Tech Today.
