Women in Natural Resources is a new organization at Michigan Tech that aims to support women in the natural resources and environmental sciences through community, professional development, and mentorship. We are open to everyone that is interested in natural resources including students, faculty, staff, professionals, etc.
We are having our first meeting of the year and we would love to have you join us. There will be ice cream, socializing, and a little bit of discussion about some things we would like to do this year. The social will be in the atrium of the UJ Noblet forestry building on Thursday, September 14 at 7:00pm. It will be a great opportunity to meet people and get a feel for what the club is about.
If you can’t attend the meeting on Thursday but would like to know more send me an email (lejacobs@mtu.edu) and we will keep you in the loop.
I hope to see you there!

Laura Jacobs
Michigan Technological University
BS, Natural Resources Management, 2018
President, Women in Natural Resources
(937) 432-5324