Category: Undergraduate Research

Applications for URIP & SURF Now Open

Are interested in gaining valuable research experience? Applications for the Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) and the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) are NOW OPEN!

Don’t wait—connect with students to discuss potential research projects for next summer or the 2025-2026 academic year. These opportunities are a great way to help students build skills, work on cutting-edge projects, and enhance their resume.

  • SURF applications are due on February 7th at 5 pm. 
  • URIP applications are due on March 21st at 5 pm.

Learn more: 

Questions?  Please contact Chris Hohnholt at 

2025 Los Alamos Dynamics Summer School

Next summer, Los Alamos National Laboratory will be hosting the twenty-sixth edition of the Los Alamos Dynamics Summer School (LADSS) – a 10-week research and education program held in Los Alamos, NM.  Links to information is available at, including payment information for the fellowship appointment and instructions on how to apply. 

We are seeking students with academic focuses in engineering (including mechanical, aerospace, structural, civil, electrical, and nuclear), as well as those in computer science, physics, and applied math. Please pass this solicitation on to prospective students and directly encourage those which you feel are well suited for the program to apply. Offer letters will be given to accepted applicants on a rolling basis throughout the early application period, so we encourage students to apply early to have the greatest chance of securing a position in the program. All applications submitted November 1, 2024 – January 6, 2025 will be reviewed after the application cycle closes.

The primary goal of LADSS is to motivate U.S. citizens to attend graduate school. Therefore, the students you solicit need to be U.S. citizens, and they should be of sufficient academic standing to be credible candidates for graduate school. As a reference point, the 400+ students that have taken part in the first twenty-four schools had undergraduate GPA’s ranging from 3.0 – 4.0, with a mean undergraduate GPA of approximately 3.8.

SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) Applications Now Open

SURF Applications Now Open

Applications for 2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs) are now open. Fellowship recipients will spend the summer working on an individual research project under the guidance of a Michigan Tech faculty mentor.

SURFs are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer term. Awards are up to $4,500. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Feb. 9.

Students who have questions about the program or application process can take advantage of a virtual drop-in advising session with the SURF coordinator, Robert Handler (ChE).

Our remaining drop-in advising session is scheduled for this date:

For more information and access to the application materials and instructions, visit the SURF webpage or contact Handler at

Undergrad Research – 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs)

Applications for 2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs) are open. Fellowship recipients will spend the summer working on an individual research project under the guidance of a Michigan Tech faculty mentor.

SURFs are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer term. Awards are up to $4,000. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on Feb. 10.

For more information and access to the application materials and instructions, visit the SURF web page or contact Handler at

Undergrad Research – Undergraduate Research Internship Program

URIPs are open to all Tech undergraduates who are interested in engaging in a research experience in a faculty member’s laboratory.

Awards of up to $1,920 are available to fund student researchers and are paid at an hourly rate. The Pavlis Honors College will provide $960 of this award with the expectation that the faculty mentor will match this amount. Applications will open in the spring.

Award recipients will conduct a research project under the guidance of a Michigan Tech faculty mentor during the regular academic year (September-March).

Internship recipients are encouraged to attend any research-related events or workshops sponsored by the Library.

Internship recipients are required to present their research at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS) in March (Friday of Preview Day Weekend)

Funding for the Undergraduate Research Internship Program is provided by the Portage Health Foundation and the DeVlieg Foundation.

Undergraduate Research Symposium Spring 2023 | Submissions Due Feb 7th

We warmly invite your undergraduate students who are involved with research and scholarship to participate in the 2023 Michigan Tech Undergraduate Research & Scholarship Symposium (URSS). We are pleased to feature the work of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows, the DeVlieg Foundation Fellows, and the Portage Health Foundation Fellows at this year’s event…we would also love to feature your students!

The URSS is a great opportunity to highlight the work of our undergraduate students and will take place Friday, March 24, 2023. Research submissions are due by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

Additionally, we have teamed up with the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library to offer a poster creation session on Tuesday, March 14th, from 10 to 11 am to assist your students to prepare for the URSS. If they’d to get started before then, the Library has templates that they can use.

This year, in addition to the poster sessions from 12:30 to 4 pm, the Symposium will also feature a panelist discussion from 11 am to noon and a networking social event from 4 to 5 pm leading up to the announcement of the poster award winners. Our menu for the panelist discussion and the networking social will consist of French-roast coffee, glacè petit fours, and Lac La Belle apple cider.  

Please pass this information to students who you think would benefit from this opportunity and encourage them to apply!. Questions can be directed to Chris Hohnholt Michigan Technological University Pavlis Honors College |  (906) 487-1843 |

MTU Summer Research – McNair Scholarship Program

Are you interested in doing research and getting paid to do it? Have you ever thought about going to graduate school—without loans? The Michigan Tech McNair Scholars Program can help.

The MTU McNair Scholars program will help you:

  • Earn money to do summer research in your field of study (plus free room and board!)
  • Receive support to present research at regional and national conferences
  • Get loan-free support for graduate school

McNair could be the right fit for you—take the first step by scheduling your initial eligibility interview.

For more information, please email

Summer Research: IRiKA, 8-Week Summer Research Internship in Korea

Although the program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students, preferences will be given to undergraduate students or first-year graduate students.

8-Week Paid Summer Research Internship in Korea

Please see the attached flyer for a summer research internship opportunity in Korea on applied smart systems. Application due is Jan 31 (Feb 10 for MTU students), but an early application is encouraged. US citizenship or permanent residency is required. There will be an information session scheduled on January 17, 2023, please check the program webpage (
Contact Dr. Jin Choi ( for questions.

Apply for Undergraduate Research Internships

Pavlis Honors College (PHC) is accepting applications to the Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) for the 2023-2024 academic year. The internship program will run from September 2023 through mid-March 2024 and is open to any undergraduate student on campus with an identified faculty research mentor. Faculty and students who are already working together are welcome to apply.

PHC will provide $960 in funding for the student intern, with the expectation that faculty will provide equivalent matching funds to be dispensed concurrently, resulting in a total of $1,920 paid hourly over the course of the internship. Faculty may make use of research funds, IRAD, and startup packages or consult their chairs, deans, or center/institute management to identify the source of their match.

Details regarding the application process can be found on the Pavlis Honors College website.

The deadline to submit applications is 5 p.m. Friday, March 24. Faculty need to supply a letter of support as part of the application package. If you have questions about the submission process, please email Rob Handler at

The Undergraduate Research Internship Program is made possible with support from PHC and generous donations from the Portage Health Foundation and the DeVlieg Foundation.

2023 Design Expo Registration Now Open

The Enterprise Program and College of Engineering are excited to announce the 23rd Design Expo will be held in person from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 18 in the Van Pelt and Opie Library’s first floor and the Memorial Union Building’s ballroom.

Design Expo continues to highlight Enterprise and Senior Design/Capstone projects from all areas of the Michigan Tech campus, including teams from the following colleges:

  • College of Business
  • College of Computing
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science

Call for Student Teams to Register
Senior Design/Capstone projects and teams from across campus are invited and encouraged to participate in this year’s event. Students can find more information about Design Expo on the student registration page. Registration closes March 3.

RSVP for Design Expo Today!
The Michigan Tech community, friends and sponsors are invited to register for this year’s Design Expo.

More than a thousand students in the Enterprise and Senior/Capstone Design programs will come together to showcase their work and compete for awards. In addition, a panel of judges, made up of distinguished corporate representatives, alumni, community members and Michigan Tech staff and faculty, will be able to critique videos of team projects, solutions and results in advance of the live event, then come to Design Expo to meet the teams and ask questions in person.

Social Hour and Awards Ceremony
Starting at 2:30 p.m., all student teams, judges, sponsors and friends, and the Michigan Tech campus community are invited to a social hour at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts with light refreshments, entertainment and door prizes. Then, at 3:30 p.m., we will begin the Design Expo Awards Ceremony, where student teams will be recognized and more than $3,000 in cash will be awarded.

Both events are free and open to the public. We encourage current and future students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, families of students and others to help us celebrate our students and their achievements. Register today to see a schedule of events and attend the 2023 Design Expo.

Become a Judge
Are you interested in judging for the 23rd annual Design Expo? We welcome all Michigan Tech faculty, graduate students, staff, alumni, industry representatives and community members interested in the great work of our students! Find out more at our Become a Judge webpage.

This year, judges will be able to evaluate team videos anytime between noon on April 17 and 2 p.m. on April 18. Judges will be assigned three to five teams and will evaluate each team’s video using an electronic ballot. Judges are asked to attend Design Expo in person between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on April 18 to judge their teams in person. Judges will be selected based on their availability to attend Design Expo in person.

2023 Design Expo Website
For more information on attending and judging Design Expo, visit our website. For questions, please reach out to Briana Tucker at