Category: Undergraduate Research

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program

Applications are now being accepted for the 2020 NSF Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program on “Designing for Safety and Safety by Design”. This eight-week summer program hosted at UC San Diego (La Jolla, CA) aims to immerse students in a highly interdisciplinary research environment in the field of engineered structures.
More information about the Program and how to apply can be found here:


World Water Day Poster Competition

The Great Lakes Research Center invites graduate and undergraduate students to participate in this year’s World Water Day Poster Competition.  This year’s theme is Leaving No One Behind – Human Rights: Near & Far.
Cash awards will be presented in 2 prize categories:
  Original Research: presentation of thesis or project research involving any aspect of water
  Coursework/Informational: presentation of coursework or literature based research. Extra points are awarded for Coursework/Information posters that incorporate the WWD theme. Posters in this category can be submitted by individuals or groups and as course assignments.
Format of the Poster session:
1) Poster Registrations will be accepted through Monday, March 18.  Email the registration form to
2) PowerPoint versions of each poster will be emailed to by midnight on Thursday, March 21.
3) Posters and oral presentations will be evaluated on Monday, March 25.
     Evaluations:  oral presentations of each poster (displayed by PowerPoint) will be evaluated by a panel of 3 faculty judges in the Dow 8th floor conference rooms between noon and 2:00 pm
     Poster Displays: Posters will be on display in the MUB Ballroom from 1:00 – 6:00.  Students are expected to be near the posters for informal discussions between 2:30 and 4:00 pm.  The World Water Day keynote lecture immediately follows the Poster Session.
Additional World Water Day events:
1) Art Show: Wilderness, in the Great Lakes Research Center (March 21 – June 14)
2) Green Film: Marathon for Justice, Wednesday, March 20 in Forestry G002
3) At 4:00 on March 25th in the MUB Ballroom, The World Water Day lecture “Mapping the Water Crisis of Unaffordability”by Monica Lewis-Patrick from We the People of Detroit will be preceded by the Welcome to Traditional Homelands by the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community and the Woodland Singers from the Ojibwe and Menominee Nations. The lecture will be followed by an open reception.  Poster Awards will be announced at the lecture.
4) WWD Panel Discussion and Art Recognition Reception will be held on Tuesday, March 26 in GLRC 202. A concluding ceremony with the Woodland Singers will close the World Water Day events.
Please check our World Water Day webpage for an updated schedule of activities or email me with any questions ( or

UG Student Fellowship: TURF at Portland State University

We’re offering a student opportunity to spend a summer doing research on the Portland State University campus (home to the national university transportation center: NITC) with our unique fellowship program now in its 2nd year: Transportation Undergraduate Research Fellowship (TURF).

This opportunity is open to current undergraduate students from any university who are pursuing transportation engineering or planning research. Students will be paired with a PSU faculty mentor to work on transportation research for 10 weeks (40 hrs/ week) with a $7,500 stipend. Applications are due February 15th (decisions made by March 29th).

We had seven scholars last summer, and are very excited to welcome a new group to the campus. See link for a flyer….2019 TURF Flyer.

Cait McCusker
Communications Director

Initiative for Bicycle & Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI)1900 SW 4th Ave, Suite 175, Portland OR 97201 • 503.725.2843

UG Research: SURF Applications Now Open

Applications for 2019 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs) are now open. Fellowship recipients will spend the summer on an individual research project under the guidance of a Michigan Tech faculty mentor. SURFs are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer term. Awards are up to $4,000. Applications are due by 4 p.m. on January 25, 2019.

A workshop on writing effective SURF proposals is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 11 in Fisher 132.

For more information and access to the application materials and instructions, visit the webpage or contact Paige Hackney.

Undergraduate Research – Summer and Fall!

A couple of undergraduate research assistants are needed in my research group for summer and fall semester.  The hourly support will be provided with NSF REU support (US citizenship). The research will be mainly involved with the polymer concrete and fiber-reinforced high-performance concrete design and test. These polymer-based fast-curing materials can repair and protect the current structure components. The high-performance concrete will be tested for  structure applications. Good research attitude and responsibility are highly desired. The GPA close to or above 3.0 is desired.
I also like to find a couple of undergraduate students  (US citizenship) who  is interested in working with US army research lab (in Urbana Illinois) on 3D printing of concrete and concrete structures.  The summer internship (stipends) can be provided by US Army Corps of Engineers. For your information, please check the attached slides on 3D printing work.
If you are are interested with these work, please send me your resume by email.
Qingli(Barbara) Dai, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor 
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 
Office Dow 805

Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP)

Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) Applications Due March 28

The Pavlis Honors College reminds faculty that URIP 2018-19 applications are due March 28.

There are two tracks for faculty mentors to consider:

  • Faculty in Health-Related Fields are invited to identify an undergraduate research intern with any amount of prior experience – Portage Health Foundation Scholars
  • Faculty in any discipline are invited to identify an undergraduate intern that is relatively new to research or scholarship (less than 6 months) – Pavlis Young Investigators

The internship program is open to any undergraduate student on campus. Faculty are welcome to apply with students with whom they are already working.

The program consists of a 20-week internship (mid-September through mid-March) as well as professional development activities centered on academic research and scholarship.

The Pavlis Honors College will provide $800 in funding for the student intern, with the expectation that faculty will provide matching funds to be dispensed concurrently, resulting in a total of $1600 (or $10/hr for 8 hours per week for a period of 20 weeks).

Faculty may make use of research funds, IRAD, startup packages, or consult their chairs, deans or center/institute management to identify the source of their match.

Details regarding the Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) application process can be found here.

The Undergraduate Research Internship Program is made possible by generous donations from the Portage Health Foundation and with the support of the Pavlis Honors College.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) – Workshop

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Workshop will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. tomorrow (Jan. 17) in Fisher 130. The workshop will be led by SURF Coordinator Will Cantrell.

The SURF program offers undergraduate students a $4,000 stipend to work for 10 weeks on research on campus in the summer. Applications are open to all Tech undergraduates who have at least one semester remaining after the summer. In order to be eligible for SURF, students must submit their applications by 4 p.m. Jan. 26.

If you know of students interested in participating in a summer fellowship on campus, encourage them to attend the workshop.

More information on other upcoming undergraduate research workshops is available online.

Summer 2018 ReNUWIt REU program

The National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Re-inventing the Nation’s Urban Water Infrastructure (ReNUWIt) is now accepting applications for its Summer 2018 Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program. Participants will conduct mentored research in
ReNUWIt faculty lab groups at Colorado School of Mines, New Mexico State University, Stanford University, and University of California at Berkeley.Application deadline: February 10, 2018

Please direct interested undergraduates to our website ( to learn more and apply.

Program Contact: Dr. Pam McLeod (

2018 REU Flyer compressed

Funding for Students to Attend NCSU Women in Engineering Program, March 1-2, 2018

I’m writing to let you know about an opportunity for engineering undergraduate and Master’s students to attend a Women in Engineering Event at North Carolina State University.  The “We are W.E. (Women in Engineering) Program” is a networking and recruiting event within Civil Engineering Department at North Carolina State University to encourage the presence of women in civil engineering research and academics. As part of this program, we are happy to support travel for undergraduate and Master’s students who are interested in civil engineering research to visit NCSU on March 1-2, 2018.  The We are W.E. Program will include a research workshop, career-focused seminar and panel, poster symposium, and meetings with professors. Please distribute this email and attached application as much as possible to students and direct any questions to Emily Berglund at and Joel Ducoste at Additional information is at
Thanks for your support and help with getting the word out!
The We are WE Committee
Emily Berglund
Ashly Cabas Mijares
Joel Ducoste

Student research development opportunity

The Pavlis Honors College is hosting a series of research-related workshops designed to educate students on best practices to enhance their research efforts.  The next workshop in the series will be held on Tuesday evening, November 14 from 6-7pm in Library 243.  The focus of this workshop is “How Not to Plagiarize!” and will be facilitated by the Library’s Jenn Sams.  The workshop is open to anyone on campus interested in learning more about this topic so that they can apply it to their research endeavors.  A list of upcoming workshops can be found here.