We will have several information session during this semester to address student fears, concerns and any other questions they might have about study abroad and/or about this particular program in Paris, such as application process, scholarship opportunities and financial aid.
France information session dates:
All session are 5:30 – 6:30 pm, Walker 120A
October 11th
October 25th
November 15th
December 13th
Who has not dreamed of spending a summer in France?
During this faculty-led program, you will be able to explore and discover what makes France such a cultural center. We offer a variety of classes in English (French lit, French and Francophone culture, International Experience) and even a French class adapted to your level/need, to guarantee full immersion for the length of 6 weeks. You will get the opportunity to meet locals, other foreign students and foremost, you get the opportunity to enhance your learning experience and enrich your life!

This program is in the works. More information will be coming soon. Dany Jocob is collecting names of any students who may have an interest (doesn’t imply a commitment at this point). Please email Dany Jacob, danyj@mtu.edu to be added to the email list for updates.