Short Term 16 day Study Abroad Opportunity – UWP 3030 Cycling Infrastructure in The Netherlands

Hello Civil & Environmental Engineering Students –

Are you interested in studying abroad, but also want to get a summer internship? How about 16 days of bicycling around the world famous cycling infrastructure in The Netherlands (Netherlands where 27% of ALL their daily trips are made by bicycle and it’s easy riding – it is flat terrain!) where we will study bicycle infrastructure, work with students at a Dutch university, meet professionals who plan and design, and so much more? The course runs Sunday, May 20 – Monday, June 4 – plenty of time for you to get back for an internship. The course is offered out of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville’s Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department (by a professor who is a MTU Civil Engineering aluma), yet is available to students at other campuses, such as Michigan Tech, as well.

View the promotional video of the course to catch a glimpse of what you’ll get to experience.

Join us on a 16 day course cycling throughout The Netherlands while studying the world famous cycling infrastructure. Click here to start the application pro…
We will spend 16 days bicycling in large cities (Amsterdam, Zwolle, Utrecht, Houten, Rotterdam, Eindhoven) and small towns in The Netherlands. We will work with students and faculty at Windesheim University and professional designers and planners of the amazing Dutch cycling network. We travel within cities by bicycle and between cities using their sophisticated passenger rail system. This course will give you hands on experience using and understanding how a country creates safe cycling infrastructure. 27% of ALL trips in the Netherlands are made by bicycle! Take this course to experience that!
Explore The Netherlands in Europe while earning course credit! On the UW-Platteville campus This course counts for 3 credits of technical elective in civil and environmental engineering AND for 3 credits of international education general education credits. I am happy to help work with your department to see how this course can transfer back to Michigan Tech.
*bonus – you can even extend your time in Europe by staying longer…come to the meeting to learn how! Grab your friends and backpack around Europe after the course is over – your airfare may even be cheaper!
Also attached is a flier that shows the course details. Note that the cost is listed at $4200 per person- this is the ‘high’ cost – as soon as there are at least 8 people signed up (the cap is 12 students), we can purchase our airline tickets and solidify the airfare, which will likely be lower than my budgeted amount.  This cost includes the 3 credit course, round trip airfare from Chicago, 5 day Eurail pass, bicycle rentals, all hotels and hostels, all breakfasts, and bus transfers. Funds not spent will be refunded to you.
You can start the application process and sign up for the course here.
For more information, please feel free to contact me,

Kristina Fields
Associate Professor
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
(608) 342-1533