Hello Civil & Environmental Engineering Students –
Are you interested in studying abroad, but also want to get a summer internship? How about 16 days of bicycling around the world famous cycling infrastructure in The Netherlands (Netherlands where 27% of ALL their daily trips are made by bicycle and it’s easy riding – it is flat terrain!) where we will study bicycle infrastructure, work with students at a Dutch university, meet professionals who plan and design, and so much more? The course runs Sunday, May 20 – Monday, June 4 – plenty of time for you to get back for an internship. The course is offered out of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville’s Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department (by a professor who is a MTU Civil Engineering aluma), yet is available to students at other campuses, such as Michigan Tech, as well.
View the promotional video of the course to catch a glimpse of what you’ll get to experience.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg4scrJFqfs&feature=youtu.be
Join us on a 16 day course cycling throughout The Netherlands while studying the world famous cycling infrastructure. Click here to start the application pro…
For more information, please feel free to contact me,