Did you know there are now SIX college scholarships available through MWEA?
Deadline for all scholarships is February 1st
The following scholarships are for college students in the environmental field of study:
- Jack H. Wagner – $2000 to a current college student pursuing a course of study leading to a career in Operations for Wastewater Treatment
- John P. Hennessey – $2000 to a current college Undergrad or Graduate student pursuing a course of study leading to a career in Wastewater Treatment or in some other aspect of the water environment field
- Antenore C. “Butch” Davanzo – $1000 to a High School Senior interested in pursuing a course of study leading to a career in Wastewater Treatment or in some other aspect of the water environment field at a Michigan based College or University. Applicants must have been active with Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts of America within the past 5 years
- NEWDale and Lynn Bentley Memorial Scholarship – $2,500 to a current college student pursuing a course of study in an environmental field.
The following scholarship is awarded to current wastewater operators looking to advance their career:
- WRRT – Future Leader – $1000 to up to four individuals planning to pursue either a Class B or Class A Michigan Wastewater Operators license