Minnesota Concrete Council (MCC) is committed to encouraging students to pursue careers in concrete-related fields and to enhance the level of professionalism and industry engagement of our Minnesota students. MCC is pleased to announce that they are accepting applications for our Engineering Scholarship and our Construction Management Scholarship. The scholarships can range in value from $1,000 to $4,000. (MCC reserves the right to adjust the number and monetary value of its scholarships.) In addition to the cash scholarship prize, MCC will provide a complimentary one- year MCC student membership and complimentary registrations for all MCC continuing education opportunities for one year to the scholarship winner(s).
Scholarship Criteria
Student’s home address must be in Minnesota OR student must be currently enrolled in a post-secondary Minnesota school (College or University).
Student must be pursuing an education in technical/professional fields associated with the cast-in-place concrete industry (Engineering or Construction Management).
Student must have an interest in concrete materials and/or concrete construction.
Submission Process and Timeline
Applications can be downloaded from the MCC website.
Completed applications and essay must be received by December 4, 2020.
Selected applicants will be interviewed in person or by web connection by January 22, 2021.
Contact Margaret Mills for more information at margaret@mnconcretecouncil.com.