MTU World Water Day presentation opportunity

The World Water Day (WWD) Committee asks you to keep in mind that 2022 World Water Day will be virtually celebrated at Michigan Tech from  March 17-22 (the events are being planned now). WWD has been celebrated annually at Michigan Tech since 2007. World Water Day events will again include a student Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition instead of a poster competition, because it is a better fit for our virtual format.  KBIC Tribal Water Day and Michigan Tech World Water Day speakers will present on March 22nd.  There will be an  art show, and other virtual student engagement activities. World Water Day is sponsored worldwide by the United Nations—this year’s theme is “Groundwater – Making the invisible visible”

The student 3MT competition has two categories: (1) original student research; and (2) course-based research. There will be student cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for both categories! 

Here is the link to the Google Form students should use to register for the competition. Students must register by Friday, March 4th. Once registered, the WWD Committee will send a second form to which registered students can submit their video and supporting materials, which will be due the week prior to World Water Day (Friday, March 18). Attached to this note is a link to Michigan Tech’s 2020 winning 3MT presentation by Jordan Ewing. This is a great opportunity for students to enhance their skills in presenting and communicating research and coursework to a lay audience, and also an effective way to motivate students to do their best work! If you have any questions, please direct them to Robert Handler (