Month: January 2025

Internship: Inland Seas Education Association

Inland Seas Education Association is seeking two individuals for Great Lakes Education Intern positions, to help with ship and shore programming April 28 – August 15, 2025.

ISEA is a non-profit that teaches people about science and stewardship of the Great Lakes, on sailing vessels and outdoor classrooms. Applicants will be leading science programs for learners of all ages, and while previous sailing experience for applicants is not necessary, much of the education programs will be provided onboard our traditionally rigged schooners.

Programs can be both day sails around Grand Traverse Bay, as well as multi-day sails to away ports such as Detroit, MI, or Duluth, MN. The ideal candidate is a strong communicator and team player, with enthusiasm for teaching about environmental science and the Great Lakes. Early career professionals and people looking to transition into environmental education are encouraged to apply.

Room and board is available on a needs basis. To read the full position description, please click here.

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, until end-of-day February 9, 2025. Apply by email with resume and letter of interest.

Scholarship: Minnesota Surveyors & Engineering Society (MSES)Scholarship:

Since 1953, the MSES Legacy Scholarship has awarded over $1.6 million to 1,100+ deserving college students who demonstrate strong academic performance, financial need, and an interest in pursuing a career within the Minnesota transportation infrastructure industry. Historically, Michigan Tech accounted for a strong number of our scholarship applicants and award recipients.  However, in recent years we have seen a dwindling number of applicants from all our participating colleges, including Michigan Tech.

To continue to support the next generation of transportation professionals, I am asking you to share the MSES scholarship information (provided in the attached flyer) with the engineering students at Michigan Tech who meet the criteria below:


  • Any undergraduate student who is a Minnesota resident OR any undergraduate student attending specific schools outlined on the website and enrolled in Civil or Structural Engineering.
  • College junior or senior undergraduate class standing during the entire 2025-2026 academic year.
  • Maintain an academic load of at least 12 credits per semester during the entire 2025-2026 academic year.
  • Pursuit of a career in the Minnesota transportation infrastructure industry, including:
    • Government (DOT, County, City)
    • Private Engineering Firms/Consultants
    • Transportation Materials Suppliers
    • Contractors with Transportation Focus
    • Geotechnical Engineering
    • Structural Engineering
    • Roadway Design
    • Materials Testing
    • Water Resources/Hydraulics
    • Environmental Engineering
    • ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems)
    • Traffic Engineering
    • Transportation Planning
    • Pavement Design
    • Land Surveying

Thank you for your support of the MSES Legacy Scholarship. Please reach out with any questions.

Katie Ellis 
Senior Registered Engineer
Professional Engineer: MN

C 612.523.2046
444 Cedar Street, Suite 1500, Saint Paul, MN 55101

Internship: Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA)

The internship will entail plant visits where the interns will learn about plant process equipment and help the team leaders audit & tag assets at different water/wastewater facilities.

This would be a great fit for anyone wanted to get into the water or wastewater space. Last year their interns spent 95% of their time working in their plants, doing real work. Very little typical intern busy work.

Jobs Posting (Full time & Interns): Machin Engineering

Project Engineer – full time – civil/structural engineering background w/internships & related work experiences

Summer Intern – summer 2025 – civil/structural engineer background preferably with work experience, will consider strong/motivated candidates 

These positions are OPEN on Handshake currently, they are also able to reach out to Nathan Sodini ( as well! 

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Aerospace and Defense Company Tour in Menominee/Marinette 

Interested in the Aerospace or Maritime Defense industry? Open to ALL MTU students, ASME is hosting a company tour of Enstrom Helicopter Corporation and Fincantieri Marinette Marine on March 18th. This will be a great foot-in-the-door opportunity for anyone looking for an internship at either of these great companies!

If you know that you would be able to attend, please fill out the commitment form below so we can contact you in the coming weeks with more information. The companies also need enough time to do background checks on attendees so this will need to be filled out by January 31st.

Workshop/Training: Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings Training

Pre-registration is open for the Aquatic Organism Passage at Road-Stream Crossings Training sponsored by the USDA Forest Service Eastern Region and Trout Unlimited.

The workshop will present the USDA Forest Service’s stream simulation method, an ecosystem-based approach for designing and constructing a channel through the road-stream crossing structure that reestablishes physical and ecological continuity along the stream corridor. 

The workshop will take place in Cadillac, MI June 9-13, 2025.  Please see the attached document for additional information. 

If you would like to pre-register for the training please complete this form by April 18, 2025.  Pre-registrants will be notified by May 5, 2025 if they have been or not been selected for the workshop.  FS personnel in the Eastern Region (Region 9) and key FS partners in Region 9 will be given priority to attend the workshop. 

Information on lodging, travel, and logistics for the workshop will be provided with selection notification.   

Please share this announcement with your networks!

Let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your interest.

(For Forest Service Only: The Forest Service is working through the meetings management process and pursuing external funding to permit on-site representation from multiple units and disciplines. We will work with potential Forest Service attendees to remain within approved travel caps.)

USFS Amanda Kunzmann
Regional Fisheries Program Manager

Forest Service
Eastern Region – R9
Cell: 414.949.1295
626 E Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI  53202  
Caring for the land and serving people

Internship: EGLE

EGLE just released its applications for summer internships, which is a 15-week intensive program where interns work approximately 29 hours per week. There are 20 positions available, split into 4 different categories, and all internships are paid at $20 per hour. For each category, there is a list of associated projects, which you should review and indicate your interest in when you apply for the internship type. If you have questions, please reach out to our Recruiting and Internship Specialist, Cindy Whittum, at or 517-914-6595.

Please share widely with college students in your lives! We very much hope that these internship opportunities can start young people on a pathway to a career with EGLE.

Environmental Policy & Leadership Internships (2 available)

Environmental Science Internships (13 available)

Environmental Engineering Internships (4 available)

Recruitment and Internship Program Internship (1 available)

Eileen Boekestein (she/her)

Environmental Education Manager

      Certified Environmental Educator (CEE-P)

Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Environmental Support Division

616-403-1615 |

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Engineering Ambassadors (K-12 STEM Outreach) Meetings – Mondays, 7pm – Fisher 131

Do you have a passion for Engineering and working with K-12 students? If so, you should join Engineering Ambassadors! We meet Mondays at 7 PM in Fisher 131, our next meeting is Monday 1/27. See attached for more details, and email if you have any questions or want to be added to our email list.