A three person team of MTU Computer Science students finished 1st out of 38 teams in this year’s BonzAI Brawl AI programming competition. BonzAI Brawl is an MTU student run competition, where teams of 1 to 3 contestants implement an AI player for a client/server game. The contestants are given the details of the client API the day of the competition and must design a winning strategy within the 8 hours allotted. After coding ends, the AI’s are pitted against each other, one on one, in a double elimination style tournament (known as the BRAWL) to determine the winner.
The winning team, consisting of undergraduates David Cawley, Sam Schinke and Peter Miele, was among 83 other contestants from MTU and NMU who competed in the Brawl. The event was organized by students in Women in Computing Sciences, Husky Game Development and Upsilon Pi Epsilon Computer Science Honor Society. In addition, several local sponsors made this year’s BonzAI Brawl possible. They include Computer Mechanix, GE Aviation, LaSalle Technology Group, the Computer Science Dept and USG. For more information please see http://wics.students.mtu.edu/bonzai.