The Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC) will present a virtual Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Khalid Saqr on Friday, November 18, 2022, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Saqr is a visiting associate professor in the Biomedical Flow Dynamics Laboratory (Ohta Lab) at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
The title of Saqr’s lecture is, “Tilting at windmills: On the mechanistic paradigm of vascular hemodynamics and why it should be shifted.”
Khalid is a fluid dynamics professor, entrepreneur, and simulation expert. He is a co-founder of Bio-CFD, a US-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) startup democratizing CFD in the medicine and life science fields. Khalid is a former visiting professor at the Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan, and technology advisor to ClinicalMatch (USA), Vascula Life (UK) and Medtech Ventures (Brussels).
Visit his Linktree page here: https://linktr.ee/ksaqr. Emial Saqr at khalid.saqr@bio-cfd.com.
Saqr researchs fluid mechanics in many applications, working primarily with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to explore the physics and dynamics of turbulent flows in industrial, environmental, and physiological contexts. Alongside his career in fluid dynamics research and development, Saqr has developed a strong passion for deep tech, particularly machine intelligence and blockchain, and he is now engaged in a number of AI and DeSci projects.
Since 2014, Saqr has been working on biomedical applications of fluid mechanics. In 2020, he and his team discovered non-Kolmogorov turbulence in physiologic blood flow and subsequently identified 5 new mechano-miRNAs associated with endothelial dysfunction.
Saqr received his Ph.D. from UTM, Malaysia, with a thesis on the aerothermochemistry of turbulent vortex flames. He has participated in a number of international research and development projects involving a wide array of applications in aerodynamics, thermal engineering, and energy systems. He has lived and worked in Japan, Malaysia, and Egypt,
Learn more about Dr. Saqr here.
Lecture abstract. The four-decade old mechanistic paradigm of vascular hemodynamics was founded on oversimplified assumptions which left several gaps in our understanding of vascular disease unbridged until today.
Recent findings demonstrate that physiologic blood flow in the main arteries is, by definition, turbulent. The turbulence regime observed under physiologic conditions fall beyond the Kolmogorov-Obukhov theory of homogenous isotropic turbulence. A paradigm shift is proposed to bridge the existing gaps between clinical applications, computational modeling, and in-vitro translational research. This lecture outlines the elements of the new paradigm and highlights its main advantages over the old one.