HIDE Enterprise‘s first team introduction of this semester is CCLC Queue!
We are creating a web page for the Michigan Tech College of Computing Learning Center (CCLC) Queue implemented as a canvas plug in to pull student courses directly from canvas. There will be a student page to ask questions and review previously answered questions in a discussion style (similar to stack overflow). There will also be an instructor page for teachers and coaches to navigate and answer questions as they come in.
Recently, we finished moving the database to MySQL from SQLite. We reworked much of the product structure to make it easier to navigate the files and edit pages as needed. We added a base for the asynchronous question queue which we will build off of this semester and implemented sorting questions in the queue. Some front-end work was done as well including the addition of dark mode, cleaner looking tables, and improvements to the student page to ask questions.
This semester, we will continue to implement the asynchronous question queue and storing questions and answers in a database. I want to start working on a stack overflow style page to view previous questions and answers. We also have a lot of front-end work to do with models provided to us and better user interfaces with dark mode browser settings.
Team Members: Jeremiah Kollodge, Connor Cater, Jacob Wilkins, Eden Sanborn, Izzie House, and Vincent Yang.