Terrance Campbell, Tennessee State, to Visit Campus, Present Talk April 12

Terrance Campbell, Tennessee State University, will visit campus and present a research seminar on Wednesday, April 12, 2023, at 1 p.m. in Fisher Hall Room 125.

The talk is hosted by the College of Computing.

A published health informatics and information systems security practitioner-scholar, Campbell has 35+ years of senior-level IT management experience across several business sectors and five countries. He is pursuing an Ed.D. at Tennessee State University focusing on digital cyber-hygiene simulations as co-curriculars.

At Tennessee State, as a graduate teaching assistant, Campbell is assisting in building the capacity of students and leaders at 46+ Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and creating and implementing digital resources for dismantling structures that perpetuate community-level health and digital literacy inequities in three African countries.

Additionally, Campbell oversees three initiatives that bring cybersecurity educational and career programming to K-12 youth.

Campbell is president and CEO OF YOUR Center; an Educational Leadership graduate teaching assistant for Tennessee State University and the Apple HBCU C2 Project; and co-chair for NICE K-12 Community of Interest, NIST.

Campbell’s full biographical sketch is below.