Michigan Tech’s B.S. in Computer Science has been ranked No. 1 by College Factual on their list, “2023 Best Computer Science Bachelor’s Degree Schools in Michigan.”
College Factual looked at 10 colleges and universities to compile its “2023 Best Computer Science Bachelor’s Degree Schools in Michigan” rankings. Among the metrics used to determine the ranking follow.
- Overall Quality: Various factors like degree completion, educational resources, student body caliber, and post-graduation earnings for the school as a whole.
- Average Salary: The average salary of bachelor’s graduates during the early years of their career
- Major Focus: How much a school focuses on computer science students vs. other majors.
- Major Demand: How many other computer science students want to attend this school to pursue a bachelor’s degree.
- Educational Resources: How many resources are allocated to students. These resources may include educational expenditures per student, number of students per instructor, and graduation rate among other things.
- Find additional ranking metrics here.