Ph.D. candidate Niusen Chen will present his final oral examination (“defense”) on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at 2 p.m. in Rekhi Hall, Room 101 and virtually.
The title of Chen’s defense is, “Ensuring Data Confidentiality via Plausibly Deniable Encryption and Secure Deletion.”
Chen is advised by Associate Professor Bo Chen, Department of Computer Science.
Join the Zoom meeting here.
Talk abstract: Computing devices have been used broadly today to store and process sensitive or even mission critical data. Ensuring confidentiality of the sensitive data is of paramount importance, as data leaks may not only endanger the device owners’ privacy, but also violate various regulations including GDPR and Sarbanes-Oxley Act. To provide confidentiality guarantee, the data should be protected when they are present in the computing devices (i.e., confidentiality during the lifetime); and also, they should be rendered irrecoverable after they have been deleted from the devices (e.g., confidentiality after the lifetime). In this dissertation, we have proposed five works to ensure data confidentiality via plausibly deniable encryption and secure deletion.