Tim Havens, GLRC Staff Members Attend Lakebed 2030 Conference

Tim Havens

Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) Director Tim Havens, William and Gloria Jackson Professor (Computer Science) and director of the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC), and GLRC staff members Jamey Anderson, assistant director of marine operation; research engineers Hayden Henderson, Travis White and Anthony Arnold; and senior research scientist Jason Summers attended the Lakebed 2030 Conference, held in Traverse City, Michigan, on Sept. 19-21.

MTU was a collaborator in several presentations, and some were co-authored by Anthony Arnold and GLRC research engineer Joe Geisz (not in attendance).

Lakebed 2030 Presentations:

  • “Mapping Benthic Substrate from AUV Images to Lake- Wide Using Machine Learning: Challenges and Lessons Learned”
    Presenter: Phil Wernette, USGS (co-author: Joseph Geisz)
  • “Comparing Substrate Classification Model Accuracy Using AUV Ground-Truthing Information and Simulated Traditional Approaches”
    Presenter: Sam Pecoraro, USGS (co-authors: Anthony Arnold and Joseph Geisz)
  • “Lakebed Habitat Mapping Using Multiband Backscatter”
    Presenter: Matt Holland, NORBIT (co-author: Anthony Arnold)

Lakebed 2030 was followed by the Smart Ships Coalition Workshop, held Sept. 21-22 in Traverse City and organized and led by Travis White.