The College of Computing is pleased to sponsor the annual Michigan Tech Graduate Student Government (GSG) Graduate Research Colloquium (GRC), which takes place Tuesday, March 26, 2024, followed by the GRC Awards Banquet on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, from 5-8 p.m. in the Rosza Center Lobby,
GRC is one of Michigan Tech’s largest campus-wide research colloquiums showcasing the outstanding research being conducted at Michigan Tech. The event attracts over 100 participants from various departments, colleges, and research backgrounds.
The GRC Poster and Presentation Competition is a great opportunity for graduate students to practice their presentation skills and share their research with classmates, faculty, and staff. It is also a space to network and connect with other researchers and learn about other research being undertaken on campus.
This year, both the poster and presentation competitions will be held in person. Students can give oral presentations, present posters, or both. Cash prizes are available for the top three presenters in the oral and poster categories (first is $300, second is $200, and third is $100). Registration closes March 5; posters and abstracts are due March 15.
Register to present your research here.
The presenters will be grouped into different technical sessions according to their academic discipline. Judges will score the presentations and provide valuable insight and feedback on how the students can improve their presentations.
Faculty and staff judges are needed to help make this event successful. Register to be a judge here.
All GRC participants and judges are invited to attend the GRC banquet on March 27.
Questions? Please email gsg-research@mtu.edu.
Important GRC Dates
March 5th – Registration Closes
March 15– Poster and Abstracts Due
March 26 (9AM – 3PM) – Oral Presentations (MUB Alumni Lounge)
March 26 (5PM – 8PM) – Poster Presentations (Rozsa Lobby)
March 27 (5PM – 8PM) – Banquet (Rozsa Lobby)