Candidates for the computer science faculty position openings in the College of Computing will be visiting campus this semester, including Chongzhou Fang.

Chongzhou Fang is a final-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of California, Davis. He received his B.Eng. degree in information science from Southeast University, China, and joined UC Davis in 2020. His research interests lie in the broad field of system security, including cloud scheduler security, side-channel attack and defense in heterogeneous computing environments, and the application of emerging AI technologies in system security. He has published peer-reviewed papers at security and hardware venues such as Usenix Security, ACM CCS, NDSS, and DAC, and he received an award at the CSAW Applied Research Competition for his work in cloud FPGA security.
Candidate: Chongzhou Fang
Date and time of visit: Monday, Jan 27, 2025, 3 p.m. ET, following a social hour in Rekhi 218
Location: Rekhi G005
Cloud System Security: From Cloud Orchestration to Hardware Attacks
In recent decades, cloud computing has profoundly changed our lives, providing the foundational infrastructure that supports countless applications. However, these shared environments are vulnerable to various hardware-based attacks, including microarchitectural side-channel attacks initiated by malicious users. Such exploitable vulnerabilities can be found across the entire cloud hierarchy, from resource orchestration software to the underlying heterogeneous hardware.
In this presentation, I will discuss my recent discoveries of vulnerabilities in modern cloud systems, examining how these security issues can be identified, evaluated, and mitigated. I will also outline my vision for building secure computing environments in an era of increasingly diverse AI applications and flexible computing resources.
About the College of Computing
The Michigan Tech College of Computing, established in 2019, is the first academic unit in Michigan dedicated solely to computing, and one of only a handful such academic units in the United States. The college is composed of two academic departments. The Computer Science department offers four bachelor of science programs in computer science, cybersecurity, data science, and software engineering; four master of science programs in applied computer science, computer science, cybersecurity, and data science; and a doctoral program in computer science. The Applied Computing department offers four bachelor of science programs in cybersecurity, electrical engineering technology, information technology, and mechatronics; two master of science programs in health informatics and mechatronics; and a doctoral program is in computational science and engineering.Questions?
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