Jung Yun Bae (ME-EM) was quoted by Michigan Ag Connection and Kalamazoo’s WWMT News Channel 3 in more stories about Michigan Tech engineering students’ partnership with Lucky Clover Farm in Otsego County to create a robot to harvest lavender plants.
All Michigan Tech alumni and friends are invited to join us on campus August 1–3, 2024, for Reunion 2024. Check out the full schedule of events. The College of Computing invites alumni to two College events at Reunion 2024. Details below.
The Second EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles (SmartSP 2024) invites researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to submit papers. The conference takes place November 7-8, 2024, in New Orleans, LA. The conference focuses on theoretical analysis, vulnerability discovery, novel system architecture construction and design, emerging . . .
Dennis Livesay, Dave House Dean of Computing, has announced that Dan Fuhrmann, Dave House Professor of Computing, has been reappointed chair of the Michigan Tech Department of Applied Computing (AC).
On Saturdays during the academic year, Houghton Middle School and High School students meet up to learn about cybersecurity in CyberHusky, an outreach program organized by College of Computing students and faculty. All local youth who want to learn more about cybersecurity and computers are invited to join the free program. Michigan Tech faculty members . . .