Category: Computer Science

PhD Student Shiwei Ding, Computer Science, to Present Dissertation Proposal

PhD student Shiwei Ding, Department of Computer Science, will present his dissertation proposal on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 8 am in Rekhi 101 and via Zoom. The title of Ding’s proposal is, “Efficient and privacy-guaranteed training/testing for Deep Neural Networks.” Ding is advised by Professor Zhenlin Wang, Computer Science, and Adjunct Professor Xiaoyong (Brian) . . .

Michigan Tech Expands Data Science Programs to Meet Demand

Environmental data science is the latest addition to Michigan Technological University undergraduate programs that teach students how to visualize, manage and understand data to find solutions for urgent global challenges. The potential power of environmental data science hit David Flaspohler, dean of Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (CFRES), about four years ago during a . . .