Category: Computer Science

Webinar to Discuss Cyber-physical Security

The USDOT ITS Professional Capacity Building Program is hosting a webinar, free and open to all interested, on the topic “Transportation Cyber-physical Security: Things We Should Know,” from 1-2 p.m. May 10. Threats to cyber-physical systems are targeting institutions and infrastructures around the world, and the frequency and severity of attacks are on the rise. Industries . . .

Keith Vertanen Receives NSF CAREER Award

Keith Vertanen(HCC), has been award a 2018 NSF CAREER Award for his project entitled, “Technology Assisted Conversations”. This 5-year award has a total budget of $538,799. In this project, Keith will create new real-time communication solutions for people who face speaking challenges, including those with physical or cognitive disabilities.The primary goal of this project is to develop . . .

Computer Science Faculty Awarded ICC Seed Grant

Computer Science faculty members Keith Vertanen, Scott Kuhl, and Myounghoon “Philart” Jeon, were recently awarded the 2018 Paul Williams Seed Grant from the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC). The grant will give the researchers the opportunity to develop a research program that could be eligible and attractive for long-term and higher-level funding from external . . .

Caden Sumner and HIDE team develop online learning center scheduling program

Problem: Scheduling learning center appointments. Solution: Apply education; develop online scheduling program. Maybe you’ve heard the claim that Michigan Technological University students are crazy smart. In case you needed proof, meet Caden Sumner, a third-year who is double majoring in computer science and psychology. He’s also a coach at the Michigan Tech Multiliteracies Center (MTMC) . . .