Category: Computer Science

Call for Manuscripts: Fault Tolerance in Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing

Call for Manuscripts: Special Issue on Fault Tolerance in Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing in Future Internet, an international peer-reviewed open access monthly journal published by MDPI. Informational Flyer Deadline April 20, 2021 Author Notification June 10, 2021 Website Collection Editors Dr. Ali Ebnenasir, Michigan Technological University Dr. Sandeep S. Kulkarni, Michigan State University Keywords Fault . . .

Our Stories: Dr. Robert Pastel, Assoc. Prof., Computer Science

This is part of a series of short introductions about College students, faculty, and staff. Would you like to be featured? Send a photo and some background info about yourself to Dr. Robert Pastel, Associate Professor of Computer Science Advisor to Humane Interface Design Enterprise (HIDE) Has been teaching at Michigan Tech for about 20 . . .

PhD Defense: Jinxiang Liu, Monday, April 12, 1-3 pm

PhD candidate Jinxiang Liu, Computer Science, will present his PhD Defense on Monday, April 12, 2021, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. The title of Liu’s dissertation is, “Prediction of Coincident Peak Days in Electricity System: A Case Study for Classification on Imbalanced Data.” Dissertation Abstract To guarantee sufficient electricity supply for its highest demands, many . . .

Register for Michigan Tech’s Design Expo, which takes place Thursday, April 15

by Pavlis Honor College Now’s the time to register to attend Virtual Design Expo, the annual Enterprise and Senior Design project showcase at Michigan Tech. Once again, for the second time ever in its 21-year history, Design Expo will take place virtually. We’ve excitedly taken lessons learned from last year’s first virtual Expo and fused it with new ways . . .

RQE: Tino Moore, Computer Science

Tino Moore, a Department of Computer Science graduate student, will present his RQE lecture on Friday, April 9, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. Lecture Title Poor Man’s Trace Cache: Static Trace Construction via Instruction Replication Lecture Abstract We introduce a novel variable-length branch delay slot architecture called Poor Man’s Trace Cache (PMTC). PMTC constructs instruction traces . . .