Category: Computer Science

RQE: Tino Moore, Computer Science

Tino Moore, a Department of Computer Science graduate student, will present his RQE lecture on Friday, April 9, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. Lecture Title Poor Man’s Trace Cache: Static Trace Construction via Instruction Replication Lecture Abstract We introduce a novel variable-length branch delay slot architecture called Poor Man’s Trace Cache (PMTC). PMTC constructs instruction traces . . .

Kay Oliver, Academic Advisor

Kay Oliver is the academic advisor for all College of Computing graduate-level majors, as well as the undergraduate majors in the Applied Computing department (CNSA, EET, Cybersecurity, Mechatronics). Chances are good that you’ve met Kay. Here’s a bit of background about her education and career. Oliver has an M.A. in educational technology from Michigan State . . .

Enterprise Program Overview, Mon., Mar. 22, 7 pm

Monday, March 22, 2021 7-8 p.m. The Enterprise Program is a project-based curriculum available to students from any major at Michigan Tech. Enterprise is student-driven, multidisciplinary teams that work like companies on real-world client projects, whether the deliverable is an innovative product, a pioneering solution, or a much-needed service. Check out this unique Michigan Tech . . .

Visit with Dean Livesay … In Person!

Dr. Livesay’s drop-in office hours are canceled until next August. If you’d like to reach the dean, please email him at Have a fantastic summer! College of Computing Dean Dennis Livesay holds open drop-in office hours every Friday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., when classes are in session. And starting Friday, March 19, you . . .

Summer Youth Programs (SYP): Topics in Computing

With extensive safety planning and health precautions underway, Michigan Tech Summer Youth Programs plans to offer in-person programs for summer 2021. Programs run weekly from June 21-August 7, 2021. Registration is now open for 2021 Summer Youth Programs. Many classes are already full, but there are plenty more to choose from Interested in computing-related classes? . . .