Category: Events

GenCyber Camp for Teachers Garners Local Media Coverage

Michigan Tech hosted two week-long GenCyber camps this summer. The first, held June 17–21, 2019, hosted 30 local middle/high school students. The second camp, August 12–16, 2019, hosted 21 local K-12 teachers. Camp participants gained cybersecurity knowledge, understood correct and safe online behavior, and explored ways to deliver cybersecurity content in K-12 curricula. A story . . .

Welcome and Invite to Reunion Celebration on Friday, August 2

Dear Alumni, Colleagues and Friends, Welcome to Michigan Tech’s new College of Computing! By now you’ve received the latest Michigan Tech magazine and have read the announcement of Michigan Tech’s newest college. This is an exciting time at Michigan Tech as we reimagine existing programs, add new majors, and pursue innovative new initiatives to prepare . . .

Inspiring the Next Generation of Cyber Stars

By Karen S. Johnson, ICC Communications Director We live in a world where pretty much everything and everybody – individuals, companies, governments, critical infrastructure – are increasingly dependent on connected systems, networks and devices. And, as newspaper headlines reveal, those systems may be insecure and vulnerable to hackers. “Nowadays, everybody is using computers, and more . . .

Students Invited to Apply for Spring Break Trip to Silicon Valley

Tech Today announces: Aspiring student entrepreneurs and innovators are invited to apply for the Michigan Tech Silicon Valley Experience, a spring break tour of California Bay Area companies that includes meetings with entrepreneurs and Michigan Tech alumni who are leaders in their field. The deadline to apply is Friday, Feb. 8, and the application form . . .