Category: Graduate Students

Computer Engineering Ph.D. Candidate Ranit Karmakar Shares Journey with Husky Innovate

Michigan Tech Computer Engineering Ph.D. candidate Ranit Karmakar shared his innovation journey at a Husky Innovate virtual lunchtime talk on October 2, 2020. Through his research, Ranit developed robust algorithms to analyze corneal images. This work led him to discover an opportunity for a new venture within the eye care industry. Ranit explored and developed . . .

What Lies Ahead: Cooperative, Data-Driven Automated Driving

Associate Professor Kuilin Zhang, Civil and Environmental Engineering and affiliated associate professor, Computer Science, was featured in a recent article on Michigan Tech News. The article appears below. Link to the original article here. By Kelley Christensen, September 28, 2020. Networked data-driven vehicles can adapt to road hazards at longer range, increasing safety and preventing . . .

Guy Hembroff Presents Invited Talk at Bahiana Medical School, Brazil

Associate Professor Guy Hembroff, director of Michigan Tech’s Health Informatics graduate program, presented an invited virtual talk to physicians, residents, and medical students at the Bahiana Medical School, Salvador, Brazil, on September 25, 2020. Hembroff spoke about, “The Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in Disease Prevention and Monitoring.” BAHIANA (Bahia School of Medicine and . . .

Bo Chen’s Research on COVID-19 Prevention Method to be Published in IEEE IoT Magazine

A paper authored by Michigan Tech Assistant Professor Bo Chen, Computer Science, and Data Science master’s student Shashank Reddy Danda, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine special issue on Smart IoT Solutions for Combating COVID-19 Pandemic. The special issue will be published in September 2020. The title of the . . .

$243K DURIP Award will Multiply Michigan Tech Research Capabilities

Dr. Timothy Havens (ICC), Dr. Andrew Barnard (GLRC), Dr. Guy Meadows (GLRC), and Dr. Gowtham (IT/ECE) have been awarded an Office of Naval Research DURIP grant titled, “Acoustic Sensing System and High-Throughput Computing Environment and Threat Monitoring in Naval Environments Using Machine Learning.” The $243,169 award will fund procurement of new high throughput computing and . . .

Signature Research, Michigan Tech win $1 Million NGA Research Award

Signature Research Inc. has partnered with Michigan Technological University to accomplish a Phase II STTR project sponsored by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. The two-year, $1 Million project is titled, “Algorithms for Look-Down Infrared Target Exploitation-Phase II.” Michigan Tech’s portion of the $1 million contract is $400K. Principal investigator of the project is Dr. Timothy Havens, . . .