Category: Health Informatics

Faculty / Researcher Profile: Weihua Zhou

Faculty/Researcher Profile: Weihua Zhou, Multi-Disciplinary Digital Healthcare Solutions By Karen Johnson, Communications Director, College of Computing and Institute of Computing and Cybersystems How can the cost-effectiveness of healthcare be improved, especially for complicated chronic diseases? This is the overarching question Dr. Weihua Zhou is seeking to answer with his research. The multi-disciplinary solutions he is . . .

Medical Imaging and Informatics Lab Seeking Volunteer Research Assistants

The Laboratory of Medical Imaging and Informatics is seeking volunteer Research Assistants. Are you looking for an exciting research experience in applied artificial intelligence and medical imaging/informatics? The MIIL Lab (Laboratory of Medical Imaging and Informatics) is hiring. We’re focused on developing new computer methods and techniques to solve significant healthcare problems and improve clinical practice. Visit . . .

Health Informatics MS Program Is Among Top 20 in Nation

The website has released the “Top 20 Online Schools for Master’s of Health Informatics Degree Programs for 2020.” The ranking provides readers with the twenty finest online colleges and universities offering graduate degrees in health informatics. Michigan Tech was listed among the top 20 programs and was the only school from Michigan to make the list. Find . . .