Category: Students

Final Oral Exam: Harsh Singh, MS in Computer Science

Graduate student Harsh Singh, MS in Computer Science, will present his final oral examination (defense) on Monday, April 15, 2024, from 3-4 pm, via Zoom online meeting. The title of Singh’s defense is, “Secure access control in Internet of Vehicles with PoET.” Singh is advised by Bo Chen, Computer Science. Join the Zoom meeting here.

Research Proposal: Yuguang Wang, PhD in Computer Science

Graduate student Yuguang Wang, PhD in Computational Science and Engineering, will present a research proposal on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, from 10-11:30 am via Zoom online meeting. The title of Wang’s proposal is, “GPU-based Out-of-Memory Graph Processing Design.” Wang is advised by Professor Zhenlin Wang, Computer Science, and Junqiao Qiu. Join the Zoom meeting here.

Graduate School Announces Spring 2024 Awards for Outstanding Scholarship and Teaching

Congratulations to the students who have received the spring 2024 Graduate School’s Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship and the Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award. College of Computing students who received the award are: Dean’s Award for Outstanding Scholarship: Ujwal Goulikar, Mechatronics Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award: Zongguang Liu and Abel Reyes Angulo, both Computational Science . . .