Category: Students

MTU Team TRISION Takes 2nd Place in NMU Programming Competition

Congratulations to College of Computing students Nirmal Raja Karuppiah Loganathan (Data Science MS), Venkata Naga Rithika Ponnuru (Computer Science MS), and Nithish Raja Karuppiah Loganathan (Data Science MS)! The students’ team, TRISION, took 2nd place at the 21nd NMU Programming Contest, which took place March 23, 2024, at Northern Michigan University, Marquette.

Sightline, a Company Led by Ashley Kern ’15 ’17, Featured in News Story

The Alpena News mentioned Michigan Tech in a story exploring the ways small businesses are incorporating artificial intelligence. Ashley Kern ’15 ’17 (B.S. Mathematical Sciences, M.S. Data Science) was quoted in the story. Kern’s business SightLine, a predictive analytics company focused on higher education, was highlighted in the story. SightLine and Kern were the subjects of a 2023 . . .

Infinite Loop Undergraduate Research Journal Seeking Submissions

The Infinite Loop is seeking submissions of original undergraduate research papers for the Infinite Loop, a journal for undergraduate research and applied computing. The journal welcomes submissions from undergraduates of all majors. The journal’s scope includes interdisciplinary research and applications of computing in diverse fields, such as data science, health informatics, information technology and digital . . .

10th Annual Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Symposium

by Pavlis Honors College The Pavlis Honors College is thrilled to invite you to the 10th annual Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Symposium (URSS), taking place next Friday (March 22) in the Rozsa Lobby. This event promises to be an enlightening showcase of the fascinating research conducted by some of Michigan Tech’s best and brightest undergraduates.

Mechatronics Program Ranked No. 2 in US

From the 2024 Michigan Tech Magazine Mechatronics Program Ranked No. 2 in US The field of mechatronics is driving a technological revolution of the manufacturing industry, reinventing the way products are designed, produced, and delivered with digital technologies, automation, and data analytics. This past June, MTU’s interdisciplinary mechatronics program was ranked No. 2 in the United States . . .