RQE: Tino Moore, Computer Science

Tino Moore, a Department of Computer Science graduate student, will present his RQE lecture on Friday, April 9, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. Lecture Title Poor Man’s Trace Cache: Static Trace Construction via Instruction Replication Lecture Abstract We introduce a novel variable-length branch delay slot architecture called Poor Man’s Trace Cache (PMTC). PMTC constructs instruction traces . . .

Kay Oliver, Academic Advisor

Kay Oliver is the academic advisor for all College of Computing graduate-level majors, as well as the undergraduate majors in the Applied Computing department (CNSA, EET, Cybersecurity, Mechatronics). Chances are good that you’ve met Kay. Here’s a bit of background about her education and career. Oliver has an M.A. in educational technology from Michigan State . . .

Spring Celebration Update

In light of recent changes to Michigan’s COVID-19 epidemic orders that increase the size of allowable group gatherings, Michigan Technological University has modified its graduation celebration planned for April 30, 2021 to allow families and guests to participate alongside their graduate. As announced in an earlier email to students, the University will host a graduation . . .

Enterprise Program Overview, Mon., Mar. 22, 7 pm

Monday, March 22, 2021 7-8 p.m. The Enterprise Program is a project-based curriculum available to students from any major at Michigan Tech. Enterprise is student-driven, multidisciplinary teams that work like companies on real-world client projects, whether the deliverable is an innovative product, a pioneering solution, or a much-needed service. Check out this unique Michigan Tech . . .