A paper authored by Michigan Tech Assistant Professor Bo Chen, Computer Science, and Data Science master’s student Shashank Reddy Danda, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Internet of Things Magazine special issue on Smart IoT Solutions for Combating COVID-19 Pandemic. The special issue will be published in September 2020. The title of the . . .
Dr. Timothy Havens, College of Computing, and Dr. Anthony Pinar, Electrical and Computer Engineering, have been awarded a two-year, $428,707 project by the SOSSEC Inc. / U.S. Army ERDC to investigate “Modeling and Algorithm Development for Adaptive Adversarial AI for Complex Autonomy.” The project will study how autonomous systems operate in complex and unstructured environments, . . .
Tim Havens, ICC Director and associate dean for research, College of Computing, was quoted in the article, “Artificial Intelligence (AI) for beginners,” published August 20, 2020, by The Enterprisers Project. The article sets out to demystify artificial intelligence, breaking down how AI works, common types of AI, how it improves big data insights, and strategy . . .
Michigan Tech has once again made The Princeton Review’s list of best colleges. The organization released its “Best 386 Colleges” earlier this month. Michigan Tech has made the list since it began in 1994. Michigan Tech is one of only three public universities in Michigan to make the list. The Princeton Review does not rank . . .
Dr. Timothy Havens (ICC), Dr. Andrew Barnard (GLRC), Dr. Guy Meadows (GLRC), and Dr. Gowtham (IT/ECE) have been awarded an Office of Naval Research DURIP grant titled, “Acoustic Sensing System and High-Throughput Computing Environment and Threat Monitoring in Naval Environments Using Machine Learning.” The $243,169 award will fund procurement of new high throughput computing and . . .