CS4ALL 2015: Workshop for Teaching Computer Science in K-12 Classroom

CS4ALL Workshop Michigan Tech, August 17-19, 2015 APPLICATION: Deadline is June 25, 2015. WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE: Upper Peninsula teachers and administrators interested in teaching computer science and programming in their school or classroom. COST: Attendance is free. FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Meals will be provided while the workshop is in session. A stipend will be provided to cover . . .

Mind Music Machine Lab Podcast in Distillations Magazine

Researchers involved with Michigan Tech’s Mind MusicMachine Lab were interviewed by reporter Allison Mills for a podcast in Distillations Magazine. The magazine is an online publication of the Chemical Heritage Foundation, which is a library, museum, and center for scholars. The interview occupies about the first 12 minutes of Episode 198: Old Brains, New Brains: The Human . . .