Category: Student Success/Tips

Final Exam Preparation

Fall 2014 final exams are December 15th through 19th. All exams are two hours in duration. Click for a list of each course, section, exam start time, building, and room. Or, students can view their personal final exam schedule by logging into Banweb, selecting Student Services, selecting Registration, and selecting Student Final Exam Schedule.

Please check your final exam schedule. If you have a time conflict or MORE than three exams on one day, the Registrar’s Office (Student Service Center) will be e-mailing one of your professors to have an exam moved. They will also cc you on that e-mail so you know what is happening. In addition, some larger courses have more than one room for the final exam, please check for your course section number and last name to determine where to go for your final exam.

To help you prepare for final exams, below are exam preparation tips from Engineering Fundamentals faculty.

Do you need to late drop a class?

After the last day to drop a class (Friday, Week 10), students who have extenuating circumstances must appeal to the Student Affairs office for a Late Drop.
Late drops are NOT given because:
1. You forgot to drop the course, or you were not aware of the policy;
2. You spent too much time on University extracurricular activities;
3. You wish to avoid a poor grade;
4. You are changing your major or transferring to another school; or
5. You do not need the course to graduate.
The instructions for requesting a Late Drop can be found at:

Last Day To Drop With a “W” (Withdrawal) November 7, 2014, 5pm

The last day to drop a class with a withdrawal (W) grade is Friday of Week 10 (November 7, 2014, 5pm). All first-year students must meet with their academic advisor and instructor to drop a class. This allows the student to discuss the ramifications before dropping a class. Therefore, do not wait until Friday to get signatures. All students must go to the Student Service Center to drop classes through the Friday of 10th Week.

After the last day to drop, students who have extenuating circumstances must appeal to the Student Affairs office for a Late Drop. The instructions for requesting a Late Drop can be found at:

Mid-Term Grades

All first-year students will receive mid-term grades for their classes; mid-term grades are viewable on Banweb at 5pm, October 20, 2014. The purpose of mid-term grades is to help first-year students see how they are performing in their classes. If a student has questions regarding a mid-term grade for a class, they should meet with the instructor. Mid-term grades are defined as satisfactory (SA), unsatisfactory (UN), not applicable (NA), and missing (M). NA is used for courses where credit is not earned. M is used when an instructor does not submit a grade. Mid-term grades are temporary grades and will be replaced when the student has earned the final grade for the class. Therefore, no permanent record of the mid-term grade is kept.

Need help in a class?

As you are getting into your classes, you may find that you need extra help on a topic. If you have questions, go see your professor during office hours, or e-mail your professor to set up an appointment. Learning Centers are another resource on campus:

  • Chemistry: 208 Chem Sciences and Eng Building
  • Computer Science: 114 Rekhi Hall
  • Engineering Fundamentals: 208 Dillman Hall, Sunday- Thursday, 7pm-9pm
  • Mathematics: 234 Fisher Hall
  • Multiliteracies Center (formerly the Writing Center): 107 Walker Arts and Humanities Center
  • Physics: 128 Fisher Hall
  • Visit the link for all Michigan Tech Learning Centers

No Time for Lunch?

Do you have a meal plan with the Residence Hall but skip lunch because you have classes through lunch time? You could get a bag lunch from your dining hall, and here is how it works:

Dining Service provides bag lunches for students in the residence halls that cannot make it to lunch due to their class schedule (note, class schedules will be checked to confirm lunch-time conflicts). To request a lunch, ask any dining services staff person for a Bag Lunch form. To complete the form, you will need to specify service days and pickup times. Bag lunches, which will require a swipe when picked up, include a sandwich of your choice, fruit, chips, yogurt, and cookie. You will need to pick up your bag lunch at your dining hall.

Writing Professional E-Mails

Professional e-mails (those going to a professor or to a prospective employer) are different from personal e-mails or text messages in several ways.

  • Include a descriptive and detailed subject line for the e-mail. See the following examples:
    • Poor: I have a question
    • Better: ENG1101 Homework
    • Best: ENG1101 Homework due 9/12/2013, Problem 3.5
  • Address the person you are e-mailing (e.g., Hello Dr. Smith,).
  • Use full sentences.
  • Use capitals and punctuation.
  • Do not shorten words (i.e., use “you” instead of “u”).
  • Spell check the e-mail.
  • Sign the e-mail.
    • Thank you,
    • Your Name
    • Your Contact Information

Last Day to drop with a “W” (Withdrawal), March 28, 2014, 5pm

The last day to drop a class with a withdrawal (W) grade is Friday of Week 10 (March 28, 2014, 5pm). All first-year students must meet with their academic advisor and instructor to drop a class. This allows the student to discuss the ramifications before dropping a class. All students must go to the Student Service Center to drop classes through the Friday of 10th Week.

After the last day to drop, students who have extenuating circumstances must appeal to the Student Affairs office for a Late Drop. The instructions for requesting a Late Drop can be found at:

Taking Summer Classes

Some students take summer classes at Michigan Tech to replace a grade, to lighten the credits of a future semester(s), or for a great excuse to enjoy the Copper Country summers. Summer 2013 course offerings at Michigan Tech are now available at:
When you are scheduling, please note that some courses run the full summer semester and some run the first or second half of the semester. The dates the course will run are listed on-line when you register. Keep in mind a half-semester course requires the full amount of work in half the time (i.e., the course is taught at an accelerated pace).

Need Help in a Class?

As you are getting into your classes, you may find that you need extra help on a topic. If you have questions, go see your professor during office hours, or e-mail your professor to set up an appointment. Learning Centers are another resource on campus:

  • Chemistry: 208 Chem Sciences and Eng Building
  • Computer Science: 114 Rekhi Hall
  • Engineering Fundamentals: 208 Dillman Hall, Sunday- Thursday, 7pm-9pm
  • Mathematics: 234 Fisher Hall
  • Multiliteracies Center (formerly the Writing Center): 107 Walker Arts and Humanities Center
  • Physics: 128 Fisher Hall
  • Visit the link for all Michigan Tech Learning Centers