Seeking Input on SHAPE Essential Education Minor Themes

The SHAPE Essential Education Minors Working Group is tasked with identifying 15 themes for SHAPE Essential Education minors to be developed over the next three academic semesters. We are sharing our preliminary identification of themes and requesting feedback from the campus community. 

As a reminder: SHAPE = Social Sciences, Humanities, & the Arts for People and the Economy/Environment. The SHAPE units on campus include: CLS, COB, CFRES, KIP, HU, Pavlis, SS, and VPA. The SHAPE Essential Education Minors will be hosted by SHAPE units and the majority of courses in the minors will be drawn from these units.

Please complete the feedback form by Wednesday, March 6, to provide your input!

Essential Education Implementation: Working Group Report-Outs (Part 2)

On June 27, 2023, University Senate Proposal 18-23, “Proposal to Revise General Education Requirements (Essential Education) for Bachelor Degrees,” received final administrative approval. At the end of the fall 2023 semester, eight faculty and staff cross-curricular working groups were assembled and began full operation to implement the various components of the new Essential Education curriculum per the Senate proposal.

Following are mission descriptions for four of the eight Essential Education Implementation working groups. The other four working groups’ report-outs were published on Jan. 31.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about any of these working groups or about the implementation process, please contact the Essential Education Implementation Leadership Team at

  • Activities for Well-Being & Success Working Group
    Activities for well-being and success foster students to connect with others, be active, restore their minds and bodies, and expand learning beyond the traditional classroom. This working group is reviewing the binning list created by the Course List Working Group to identify current courses that align with these goals, developing a process for the campus community to suggest activities, determining training/resource needs for instructors and liaising with the Assessment Working Group to determine assessment requirements for these courses. The group is developing a process for new course suggestions and a list of training and resources.
  • Essential Education Minors Working Group
    This group is tasked with proposing 15 minor themes for development (or revision) into SHAPE Essential Education minors by spring 2025. These Essential Ed minors, an alternative to the Distribution Pathway courses, will be housed in SHAPE departments. This group will create a timeline for the development of these Essential Ed minors, a risk analysis report, a minor audit template, and a proposal for working groups for each minor. The group is currently analyzing the output of an interdisciplinary task force and previous working groups to identify recurring themes for potential Essential Ed minors. Meetings are being conducted with SHAPE units to assess interest and capacity as hosts and collaborators for these minors. They are also developing processes for reviewing minors for compliance with requirements and ensuring continued evaluation, support, and potential revisions to the minors.
    • The minors working group will submit an announcement in Tech Today later in February regarding preliminary themes identified for Essential Ed minor development, on which we encourage your feedback.
  • Assessment Working Group
    The group envisions a future state where faculty and staff appreciate that helping students learn is a collective activity: everyone does their part, and students grow in the Essential Education arena in ways that complement their degrees and positively impact their careers and other personal journeys after graduation. The group’s mission is to propose an overall structure for assessment, an implementation timeline, and a schedule that supports that future state. The group is reviewing previous Essential Ed work, as well as information about the current approach to general education assessment (including challenges, opportunities, issues, and recent pilots).
  • Marketing and Communication Advisory Board
    This group’s role is to serve as an internal advisory board for University Marketing and Communications (UMC), liaising with other working groups and identifying communication and resource needs for advisors, faculty, students (current and prospective), and employers throughout the Essential Ed implementation process. The group’s current focus is assisting UMC’s first communication priority, which is a new series of pages on the Registrar’s website. These pages will serve as the “user manual” for Essential Ed, housing detailed program information and key advising materials.

Essential Education Implementation: Working Group Report-Outs (Part 1)

On June 27, 2023, University Senate Proposal 18-23, “Proposal to Revise General Education Requirements (Essential Education) for Bachelor Degrees,” received final administrative approval. At the end of the fall 2023 semester, eight faculty and staff cross-curricular working groups were assembled and began full operation to implement the various components of the new Essential Education curriculum per the Senate proposal.

Following are mission descriptions for four of the eight Essential Education Implementation working groups.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback about any of these working groups or about the implementation process, please contact the Essential Education Implementation Leadership Team at

  • Course List Working Group
    Deliverables include completing the binning of Essential Education courses by academic departments to support the development of the Essential Education minors, identifying the capacity of each category of courses by semester, and making recommendations on courses that could potentially be moved to different categories or areas of development. This working group is currently working with academic department liaisons to complete the binning process.
  • Essential Ed Experience Working Group
    The group is tasked with identifying a list of current courses that align with the Essential Ed Experience vision, developing a sample syllabus for the three broad types of courses, and liaising with the e-Portfolios Working Group to integrate that into the courses. It is developing an RFP for Experience courses, including wrapper courses and ones that can accommodate larger sections. A timeline will be developed for the implementation of these courses and include suggestions on the development of future Experiences. Recommendations will also be provided for the job description for the Essential Ed Experience coordinator, including training/resource needs for instructors. Currently, the group is establishing a working definition of the Essential Ed Experience, benchmarking against peer higher education institutions.
  • Michigan Tech Seminar Working Group
    This group is finalizing the required learning objectives and course elements of Michigan Tech seminar courses. This includes developing a syllabus template, proposing new modules to support the seminars, evaluating fall 2024 pilot offerings of required modules in existing courses, and proposing a transfer-student-specific version of the seminar course. Currently, the group is reviewing the goals, objectives, materials and campus resources already piloted or developed across campus.
  • e-Portfolios Working Group
    This group will provide a recommendation for an e-Portfolio platform, craft an RFP to develop resources to help faculty and students adopt e-Portfolios, and coordinate the rollout of e-Portfolio throughout Essential Ed courses. E-Portfolios provide a method and framework for students to share their learning and achievements throughout their Michigan Tech journey. Building showcase e-Portfolios can help them secure their next professional steps beyond MTU. The group is piloting e-Portfolios started in fall 2023 and continuing this spring to provide recommendations. They are developing a statement of requirements/priorities for e-Portfolios at MTU.

Essential Education Implementation: Working Groups Update

The Essential Education Implementation Leadership Team continues to move forward toward the program’s launch in fall 2025. The following working groups have been charged with working on major components of the program:

  • Essential Education Experience
    • Co-Leaders: Kari Henquinet (SS), Laura Rouleau (SS)
  • Essential Education Assessment
    • Leader: Jean DeClerk (CTL)
  • Essential Education Minors
    • Co-Leaders: Chelsea Schelly (SS), Leyre Alegre Figuero (HU)
  • Essential Education Course Lists
    • Co-Leaders: Holly Hassell (HU), Kay Oliver (CC)
  • Essential Education Activities for Well-Being & Success
    • Co-Leaders: Tayler Haapapuro (KIP), Melissa Michaelson (Career Services)
  • Essential Education Michigan Tech Seminar
    • Co-Leaders: AJ Hamlin (EF), Linda Wanless (CTL)
  • Essential Education e-Portfolio
    • Co-Leaders: Laura Fiss (PHC), Christopher Plummer (VPA)
  • Essential Education Marketing and Communication Advisory Board
    • Leader: Sarah Erickson (UMC)

Monthly communication highlighting the progress of each group will be posted and sent out to unit liaisons on the last Wednesday of each month, beginning this month. Our next communication will detail the mission of each working group.

Our mission is to keep all members of the campus community updated on the direction and progress of the teams toward Essential Education’s rollout date.

Thanks to all who continue to provide feedback as we collectively craft this unique learning experience opportunity for our Huskies.

To contact the Essential Education Implementation Leadership Team please email: or reach out to Steve Patchin:

Sign Up for Essential Education Minor Development Workshops

The Essential Education leadership team is hosting two workshops next week and one workshop in November to begin developing Essential Education minors.

The first workshops will take place next week on Monday (Oct. 9) and Wednesday (Oct. 11) from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Alley Makerspace. Participants should plan to attend both sessions — on Monday and Wednesday — to complete the workshop. This workshop will be an opportunity to generate ideas for Essential Education minor themes. We will not be making any final decisions at these sessions. Please come with an open mind — ready to share your ideas and listen to others.

If you are not able to attend next week’s workshops, there will be another workshop on developing Essential Education minors on Nov. 17 from 2-5 p.m., also in the Alley Makerspace.

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Seeking Leadership and Participation in Essential Education Implementation Team

If you are interested in participating in a working group or in a leadership role to support the implementation of Essential Education, Michigan Tech’s revised general education curriculum, please express your interest in participation using the Essential Education Implementation Team and Task Forces form. We will be accepting responses until Friday (Sept. 29).

In addition to supporting a campuswide change, these roles will provide valuable networking and professional development opportunities for individuals who are interested in expanding their on-campus networks or gaining valuable experience for taking on future leadership roles.

MTU campus in the fall with a view of the husky statue and the library in the background.