Midyear Commencement – plan now!

Students who would like to participate in midyear commencement should note some upcoming deadlines.

Submit the Commencement application form to the Graduate School no later than October 16, 2009.

Order your academic garb no later than October 23, 2009.  Academic garb is required to participate in commencement.  Any order received after Oct. 23 will be assessed a shipping fee of $10, and orders received after Nov. 8, $25. After Nov. 22, cap and gown rental cannot be guaranteed.

To coordinate your rental, Contact Beckie Belanger at the Campus Bookstore at 487-2410 or bmbelang@mtu.edu . You may also order garb online.

Attend Gradfest on October 21st from 3:30-6:00 to order your garb, get special discounts on select items, and enjoy free pizza!
