Graduate Students Invited to Meet with NSF Program Officer, Michael Gorman

On May 17 and 18, Michigan Tech will host a visit by National Science Foundation program officer Michael Gorman, program director for science, technology and society. Gorman, a cognitive psychologist and former Michigan Tech faculty member, will deliver a general presentation about NSF and its research and education programs. He also will deliver presentations for and participate in focused discussions about developing NSF support for on-going activities here at Tech, that are related to nano-scale sciences and engineering (one of Gorman’s personal interests), and developments in the social sciences.

This is an important opportunity to learn about the most recent developments across the foundation. The campus community is invited to any of his activities. Time is built into every event to allow one-on-one conversations. Graduate and undergraduate students in particular are urged to attend any meeting that aligns with their interests.

Below is the itinerary for Michael Gorman’s visit:

Monday, May 17

General Presentation on NSF: Plans, Status, & Preparing Proposals
10:00 – 11:30 AM, Rekhi G009

Tuesday, May 18

Social Sciences at NSF
Update on NSF activities & options for support
9:00 – 10:30 AOB 201

Psychology at NSF
Update on NSF activities & options for support
11:00 – noon AOB 201

Lunch with Graduate students and seniors
Noon – 1:30 in MUB Ballroom A-1
This event is now full.  Contact Debra Charlesworth to be put on the waiting list.

Nano-scale science and technology at NSF
Update on NSF activities & options for support
2:00 – 4:00 Rekhi 101

Please contact Jodi Lehman ( (487-2875) with any questions.