2011 Nordic Research Opportunity

The 2011 Nordic Research Opportunity is now available as a Supplemental Award, for NSF Graduate Research Fellows.  The NSF, the Research Council of Norway (RCN), the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES), the Academy of Finland, the Danish National Research Foundation and the Swedish Research Council will support on a competitive basis research visits of 2-12 months or 3-12 months (country-specific) in Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden (new this year).  This international research opportunity is intended to enrich the Graduate Research Fellows? experience through cooperative activities with leading Nordic scientists and institutions, thus enabling them to develop early-career collaborations with international research partners. Results of the research collaboration are expected to expand opportunities for innovation and add an international dimension to Fellow research projects. Interested NSF Graduate Research Fellows who have completed at least one year of graduate study and who are studying at U.S. institutions are encouraged to contact potential Nordic host institutions for detailed information on current research activities at that site.  Please read the announcement (Dear Colleague Letter) on the NSF Website at: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10073/nsf10073.jsp?org=DUE (also available as a link on the GRFP page, www.nsf.gov/grfp).  The 2011 Supplement Request Deadline is January 14, 2011.  Announcement of supplement awards will be made in early April, 2011.

If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Lehman (jglehman@mtu.edu).