The Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship program awards $330,000 annually to 56 Fellowship recipients: 51 Fellowships at $5,000 each and 5 Fellowships at $15,000 each. The Fellowship program is designed to provide support to active Phi Kappa Phi members as they prepare to enter their first year of graduate or professional studies in the upcoming 2012-2013 academic year. Eligible applicants cannot have earned more than nine (9) semester hours of graduate/professional school credits by the deadline date of April 15, 2012.
140 Love of Learning awards at $500 each are funded each year. Love of Learning Awards help fund post-baccalaureate studies and/or career development for active Phi Kappa Phi members to include (but not be limited to): Graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, career development, travel related to teaching/studies, etc. Past recipients of the Fellowship award are not eligible to apply.
Applications cab be downloaded from our website, and
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