Day: January 5, 2012

Knowles Teaching Fellowship

KSTF Science and Mathematics Teaching Fellows are chosen from among individuals who have earned or are in the process of earning a degree in science, mathematics or engineering from a recognized institution of higher education. Fellowships are offered for individuals committed to teaching high school mathematics, physical sciences or biological sciences.

For more information visit:

Boren Fellowships

Boren Fellowships provide up to $30,000 to U.S. graduate students to add an important international and language component to their graduate education through specialization in area study, language study, or increased language proficiency. Boren Fellowships support study and research inĀ areas of the world that are critical to U.S. interests, including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

For more information visit:

Sea Grant Fellowship Opportunities

Sea Grant offers several fellowships for graduate and undergraduate students who are looking for:

  • An opportunity to learn more about coastal, Great Lakes and marine issues
  • A fantastic career building and networking opportunity
  • A chance to apply academic training in ecology, natural resources, policy, or law to real world issues
  • An insider view into how environmental policies are developed
  • A paid fellowship that can ease the transition from school to working life

For Graduate Students

These are paid 1-2 year fellowships that are typically pursued the year following graduation. The fellowships recruit students with a strong interest in marine and Great Lakes issues from a wide range of backgrounds, including, science, policy and law. Applications are due in late January or February.

The Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program

The EISENHOWER GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP (GRAD) provides funding for the pursuit of Master’s Degrees or Doctorates in transportation related fields. The program objectives are: 1) to attract the nation’s brightest minds to the field of transportation, 2) to enhance the careers of transportation professionals by encouraging them to seek advanced degrees, and 3) to retain top talent in the transportation industry of the United States. The Program is intended to bring innovation and enhance the breadth and scope of knowledge of the entire transportation community in the United States. The Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship Program encompasses all modes of transportation.


The Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship will be awarded on the basis of merit. Merit includes:

  • Class standing, GPA, and official university transcripts;
  • Transportation work experience, if any, including employer’s endorsement;
  • Letters of recommendation regarding the applicant’s qualifications; and
  • Proposed plan of study.


All recipients may not receive a full award (i.e. tuition, stipend, and travel to Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting). Recipient awards will be based on the rankings from the National Selection Panel. Recipients of this fellowship will receive a minimum of $5,000.00, based on their ranking from the National Selection Panel and the availability of funding.

Fellowship recipients should be advised that the stipend portion of the fellowship is subject to taxation in accordance with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations (Publication 520, revised June 2002).

The stipends for the Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship are as follows:

  • Master’s Level – $1,700/mo.
  • Doctoral Level – $2,000/mo.