The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:
- Applied Ecology
- Biological Sciences
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Environmental Engineering
- Forest Ecology and Management
- Forestry
- Geological Engineering
- Geology
- Mechanical Engineering
Ruth Bennett
Master of Science in Applied Ecology
Advisor: Joseph Kelty Bump
Thesis title: Habitat Associations of the Golden-winged Warbler in Honduras
Howard Haselhuhn
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Surendra K Kawatra
Thesis title: The Role of Water Chemistry in the Concentration of Hematite Ore
Abhishek Jain
Master of Science in Geological Engineering
Advisor: Thomas Oommen
Thesis title: Sampling Bias in Evaluating the Probability of Seismically Induced Soil Liquefaction with SPT & CPT Case Histories
Lilli Kaarakka
Master of Science in Forest Ecology and Management
Co-Advisors: Andrew J Burton and Helja-Sisko Helmisaari
Thesis title: The Long-Term Effects of Whole-Tree Harvest at Final Felling on Soil Properties in a Norway Spruce(Picea abies(L) Karst.) Stand
Laura Kangas
Master of Science in Applied Ecology
Co-Advisors: Rodney A Chimner and Eeva-Stiina Tuittila
Thesis title: Restoration of Forested Wetlands: Case Studies in Michigan and Finland
Harriet King
Master of Science in Computer Science
Advisor: Charles Robert Wallace
Thesis title: Understanding “Just Enough” Computer Users: Motivation Style and Proficiency
Aditya Kumar
Master of Science in Environmental Engineering
Advisor: Shiliang Wu
Thesis title: Free Troposphere Ozone & Carbon Monoxide over the North Atlantic for 2001-2011
Robert Larson
Master of Science in Biological Sciences
Advisor: Jason Robert Carter
Thesis title: Sleep Deprivation and Pain Intensity
Jaime LeDuc
Master of Science in Biological Sciences
Advisor: W. Charles Kerfoot
Thesis title: Predator-Prey: Interactions Between the Spiny Waterflea(Bythotrephes longimanus) and Pumpkinseed Sunfish(Lepomis gibbosus)
Dustin Loveland
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Jeffrey Donald Naber
Thesis title: Development of a Predictive Combustion Model of a Spark Ignited Engine with Gasoline Direct Injection, Variable Valve Timing, Duration and Lift Technologies
Bethany Lyons
Master of Science in Forest Ecology and Management
Advisor: Andrew J Burton
Thesis title: Nitrogen Deposition Effects on Production and Decomposition of Coarse Woody Debris
John Maass
Master of Science in Chemistry
Advisor: Rudy L Luck
Thesis title: Coordination Chemistry of BIS(Benzyl)Phosphate
Jonathan Malette
Master of Science in Forestry
Advisor: Blair D Orr
Thesis title: Assessing Land Use and Land Cover Change in Tropical Dry Forest of Northern Chinandega, Nicaragua from 1985 to 2011
Maira Maskevics
Master of Science in Computer Engineering
Advisor: Roger M Kieckhafer
Thesis title: Multimodal Performance and Reliability Analysis of the Pierre Auger Observatory Northern Site Communications System,
Kathleen McKee
Master of Science in Geology
Advisor: Gregory Phillip Waite
Thesis title: Using Auto- and Cross-Correlations from Seismic Noise to Monitor Velocity Changes at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
Lauren Schaefer
Master of Science in Geology
Advisor: Thomas Oommen
Thesis title: Geotechnical Data and Numerical Analysis of Edifice Collapse and Related Hazards at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
Daniel Smith
Master of Science in Geological Engineering
Co-Advisors: John S Gierke and Thomas Oommen
Thesis title: Stability Analysis and Hazard Assessment of the Northern Slopes of San Vicente Volcano in Central El Salvador
Luis Miguel Verissimo
Master of Science in Applied Ecology
Co-Advisors: Joseph Kelty Bump and Michael J Falkowski
Thesis title: Landscape and Forest Structure at Moose Mortality Sites on Isle Royale National Park: A LiDAR-Based Assessment
Aino Virtanen
Master of Science in Forestry
Co-Advisors: Audrey Lorraine Mayer and Anne Maarit Kristiina Toppinen
Thesis title: Managerial Perceptions on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Transatlantic Comparison between Forest Products Companies in Europe and North America
Zhichao Wang
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Wenzhen Li
Thesis title: Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Applications of Nanostructured Non-precious Metal Catalysts
Andrew Wiegand
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Co-Advisors: Scott Andrew Miers and Jason R Blough
Thesis title: Conversion of a Micro, Glow-Ignition, Two-Stroke Engine from Nitromethane-Methanol Blend Fuel to Military Jet Propellant (JP-8)