The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:
- Applied Ecology
- Chemical Engineering
- Forest Ecology and Management
- Forestry
- Mechanical Engineering
- Rhetoric and Technical Communication
Cagri Abis
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Gordon G Parker
Thesis title: Kalman Filter Approaches on Crane Swing
Zainab Alshoug
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Advisor: David R Shonnard
Thesis title: Production of Recombinant Trichoderma Reesei Endoglucanase Protein Cel7B by Using Kluyveromyces Lactis
Regina Baiden
Master of Science in Rhetoric and Technical Communication
Advisor: Sue Collins
Thesis title: The Celebrity Burden: Celebrity Campaigns in the Pursuit of Humanitarianism
Kyle Bordeau
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: Gordon G Parker
Thesis title: Agent Based, Distributed Control Strategies and Optimization of Plug-In Electric Vehicles on Smart/Microgrid Architectures
Shubham Borole
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
Co-Advisors: Gerard T Caneba and Tony Neal Rogers
Thesis title: Surfactant-Oil Interactions: Foaming & Toxicity
Keri Deneau
Master of Science in Forest Ecology and Management
Co-Advisors: Linda Marie Nagel and Jorg Brunet
Thesis title: The Effects of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) on Understory Vegetation and Soils in a Northern Hardwood Forest
Tim Gebuhr
Master of Science in Forest Ecology and Management
Co-Advisors: Robert Edgar Froese and Michael J Falkowski
Thesis title: Applications of LiDAR Remote Sensing of Forest Structure in the Upper Great Lakes Region, USA
Adam Kantor
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Advisor: John E Beard
Thesis title: Implementation of a Variable Compression Ratio Mechanism in a Four Cylinder Engine
Cassandra Ott
Master of Science in Forest Ecology and Management
Advisor: Rodney A Chimner
Thesis title: Carbon in the Peatlands of the Great Lakes Region of North America
Aaron Poznanovic
Master of Science in Forest Ecology and Management
Co-Advisors: Michael J Falkowski and Ann L Maclean
Thesis title: Geospatial Analysis of Western Juniper (Juniperusoccidentalis) Encroachment Utilizing Remotely Sensed Data
Karl Romanowicz
Master of Science in Applied Ecology
Advisor: Erik Lilleskov
Thesis title: Plant-Mediated Effects on Microbial Diversity in Mesocosms of an Oligotrophic Bog
Mary Snyder
Master of Science in Forestry
Advisor: Catherine Sophia Tarasoff
Thesis title: Local Use and Management of Tasba (Senna obtusifolia) in the Traditional Food System of Sanguere Paul, North Cameroon