Day: May 29, 2014

Michigan Tech’s Industrial Research Gains Stature

Known for hands-on education and leading-edge research, Michigan Tech’s stature among institutions has earned another important distinction: its proportion of industry-sponsored research, compared to other schools in the state and nation.  According to National Science Foundation Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) data, Michigan Tech ranked second in the state among public institutions and is in the top 15 percent in the nation among 650-plus universities.

Why is this important?

“It means that, in addition to finding some of the next greatest discoveries, we do research that is relevant,” said Jim Baker, executive director of Innovation and Industry Engagement at Tech “And these same industry partners hire our graduates.”

Read the full news story.

Published in Tech Today by Dennis Walikainen, senior content specialist

ORNL Graduate Opportunities

ORNL offers graduate students and recent graduates several distinct opportunities to stay engaged with research.  Students at ORNL are able to participate in short-term research appointments, internships, and get involved with the ORNL-UTK graduate program.  Whether you are seeking a short break after a master’s degree or looking for a cutting-edge graduate program to solve energy problems, ORNL has something for you.

The Bredesen Center For Interdisciplinary Research in Graduate Education
“GO” ORNL Program
GEM Fellowship