Day: October 10, 2014

Outdoor Nation Campus Challenge: Is Michigan Tech the Most Outdoorsy Campus?

Michigan Tech owes a lot of thanks to Mother Nature for its beautiful setting. From lakes and forests to mountains and trails, Michigan Tech’s wild side sets us apart. Now it’s time to earn bragging rights for how much we use these assets to our advantage.

From Sept. 27 through Nov. 21, members of the campus and community—students, alumni, faculty, staff and community members—are being urged to get outdoors and document their experiences online to prove that the Michigan Tech community is the most outdoorsy in the nation.

Michigan Tech is competing with nine other schools and is currently in 2nd place.

“We need your help to overtake the #1 spot,” says Caitlin Wilkins, a Tech student and Outdoor Nation competition coordinator on campus. “Anyone, anywhere can participate for Michigan Tech. They just need to create an account at this website and start logging their outdoor activities to earn points and the chance to win prizes.”

Once participants create an account and choose the school they want to earn the points, they can log in from now through Nov. 21 and log their outdoor activities.

Faculty, staff, students, community members, alumni and friends of the University, even those who have never been to Houghton or campus, can compete for Michigan Tech. “We need to get as many people participating as we can to ensure that we have a chance to win,” said Wilkins. “Tell your friends, old roommates, students, professors, the nice people you babysit for, even your family, wherever they live. We want as many people as possible to log points and activities for Michigan Tech, so we can show people that we do more than just academics well.”

Some of the prizes include CamelBack Water Bottles, The North Face gear, reusable bags and one lucky participant will win a touring kayak from Down Wind Sports in Houghton.

“We’re so excited to be able to show off Tech’s amazing location through this great competition,” said Wilkins. “We know that a love of the outdoors is a common thread among all Huskies, and this way we can really show it off.”

Throughout the competition, there will be a variety of events to encourage outdoor activity, including a free adventure bandana giveaway for current students, bike repair clinics, a photo competition and more, hosted by the Outdoor Adventure Program, WHSA, Outdoor Venture Crew, IRHC, Paintball Club and more.

“There are plenty of ways for people to get active and share their experiences,” Wilkins said. “Stay tuned to our Facebook event page for more information.”