Stefan Hupperts
Forest Science

Stefan Hupperts
Forest Science
Michigan Tech’s alum/veteran Jeffrey Brookins is featured on the Council of Graduate School website. Congratulations Jeffrey!
Rupsa Basu
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Back in Fall 2014, I took my first international flight from India to United States to fulfill my childhood dream of becoming a Scientist! That’s when I joined Michigan Tech to pursue Ph.D in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology program. I am fortunate enough to do my doctoral research with Dr. Ebenezer Tumban, Molecular Virology & Vaccinology Lab in Department of Biological Sciences. As a part of my dissertation research, I have handled multiple projects and have learned a lot from my adviser, who was always patient and was there to give immense guidance. My research projects are focused on developing safe and highly immunogenic bacteriophage virus-like particles based vaccines against Zika and Chikungunya viruses. Apart from that, I had the opportunity to work with different projects including working to develop a novel vaccine platform, won many awards at Michigan Tech including 3-minute thesis- 1st place & people’s choice, merit award for presentations, travel awards etc. When I am not doing research, I like to read thrillers and enjoy dancing! Can’t believe it’s the final semester. I want to thank the Graduate School, MTU, Deans and everyone who supported me. With this prestigious fellowship, I now have time to fully concentrate on my dissertation writing and graduate. Happy and proud Husky!