King-Chávez-Parks Future Faculty Fellowship – Fall 2024 – Stelle Acero Barone

As a 19-year-old disabled transgender student, Michigan Tech became a safe haven through student organizations and the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences (CFRES). Finally having a space where I was welcomed with open arms, I was able to focus on my passion for research and education. Through Xi Sigma Pi Forestry Honors Society and several volunteer experiences, I confirmed that I wanted to guide peers and eventually teach. My love of research was also fostered at Tech through my REU and McNair Scholars experiences.

I am starting my first year of my Ph.D. research with Dr. Parth Bhatt and Dr. Tao Liu working on deep learning models to enhance forest fire detection. Forest fires impact human and ecological communities. Thus, it’s exciting to be working on technology that could easily affect the future of ecological research and teaching through promoting ecological data science.

I am extremely thankful for the community in CFRES. I am thrilled to be able to contribute to the amazing research and community here. Additionally, thank you to the countless MTU staff, faculty, and students who helped me through my undergraduate degree and encouraged me to return for graduate school. Finally, thank you to Dr. Parth Bhatt and Dr. Tao Liu for starting this five year journey with me.

Sponsored by the King-Chavez-Parks Future Faculty Fellowship from the State of Michigan.