Category: Funding Opportunities

Opportunities for funding graduate education.

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship

The National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship is a highly competitive, portable fellowship that is awarded to U.S. citizens and nationals who intend to pursue graduate study in one of the 15 supported disciplines. NDSEG confers high honors upon its recipients, and allows them to attend whichever U.S. institution they choose. NDSEG Fellowships last for three years and pay for full tuition and all mandatory fees, a monthly stipend, and up to $1,000 a year in medical insurance.

All applicants are required to submit the application online by 1:00 p.m. EST, January 4, 2010. All materials must be submitted electronically or received by this deadline.

Contact Jodi Lehman ( if interested in applying.

AT&T Labs Fellowship for Women and Minority in Computer and Communications-Related Fields

AT&T Labs Fellowship are available to outstanding under-represented minority and women students who are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents and who are pursuing Ph.D. studies in computer and communications-related fields. If you really want to make a difference as a professional scientist, we can help you get started.
Program Description

The ALFP program awards a three-year fellowship and is contingent on an annual review demonstrating that the recipients are making satisfactory progress toward their PhD.

Each fellowship recipient participates in a research summer internship during their first summer in the program.  During the summer, students work as a part of research teams on various projects within AT&T Labs.  You can learn about AT&T Research by viewing our current research areas and sample projects from prior years.


  • Students must be seniors graduating in the current academic year or in their first or second year of grad school.
  • They must be female or members of a minority underrepresented in science fields (Hispanic, African-American, or Native American).
  • They must be enrolled, or planning to enroll, in a graduate school program leading to a PhD.
  • They must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents.
  • The student’s major field  must be in computer science, math, statistics, electrical engineering, operations research, systems engineering, industrial engineering, or related fields.

What the Fellowship Provides

  • All educational expenses during the school year, including tuition, books, fees, and approved travel expenses.
  • Education expenses for summer study or university research.
  • A stipend for living expenses (currently $2380 per month, paid for 10 months of the year, plus a $500 book allowance).
  • Support for attending approved scientific conferences.
  • A summer internship during the student’s first summer in the program.
  • A mentor who is a staff member at AT&T Labs. The program emphasizes personal interaction with your mentor. For the typical recipient, this component of the program is often the most important one of all.

Applying for a Fellowship

Important Dates

Applications are accepted beginning September 5.  The on-line application form must be submitted and all supporting materials must be mailed to the address below by January 31.


Complete this on-line application, which requires the following items. Please be sure to select the ALFP program.

AAUW International Scholarship for Women

AAUW International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not United States citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported. Several fellowships are available for study outside of the U.S.

Deadline is December 1st.

Application Information

Please contact Jodi Lehman with any question (

NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program

NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) Program

NASA announces a call for graduate fellowship proposals to the NASA
Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) program for the 2010-2011
academic year.  This call for fellowship proposals solicits
applications from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of
individuals pursuing Master of Science (M.Sc.) or Doctoral (Ph.D.)
degrees in Earth and space sciences, or related disciplines.  The
purpose of NESSF is to ensure continued training of a highly
qualified workforce in disciplines needed to achieve NASA’s
scientific goals.  Awards resulting from the competitive selection
will be made in the form of training grants to the respective universities.

The deadline for NEW applications is February 1, 2010, and the
deadline for RENEWAL applications is March 15, 2010.

The NESSF call for proposals and submission instructions are located
at the NESSF 09 solicitation index page at – click on “Solicitations” then click on
“Open Solicitations” then select the “NESSF 10” announcement.  Also
refer to “Proposal Submission Instructions” listed under “Other
Documents” on the NESSF 10 solicitation index page.

All proposals must be submitted in electronic format only through the
NASA NSPIRES system.  The advisor has an active role in the
submission of the fellowship proposal.  To use the NSPIRES system,
the advisor, the student, and the university must all
register.  Extended instructions on how to submit an electronic
proposal package are posted on the NESSF 10 solicitation index page
listed above.  You can register in NSPIRES at

For further information contact Russell Deyoung, Program
Administrator for NESSF Earth Science Research, Telephone: (757)
864-1472, E-mail: or Dolores Holland,
Program Administrator for NESSF Heliophysics Research, Planetary
Science Research, and Astrophysics Research, Telephone: (202)
358-0734, E-mail:

The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences Postdoctorate Fellowship

The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences is seeking postdoctoral fellows with Ph.D., D.V.M., or M.D. degrees to participate in research. Hamner research programs focus on creating mechanistic information to reduce uncertainty in estimating human health risks from chemical exposures. Candidates in the life, physical, and engineering sciences are encouraged to apply. Hamner doctoral staff members have backgrounds in aerosol science, molecular and cellular biology, veterinary medicine, pharmacology and toxicology, pathology, biochemistry, chemistry, biomathematics, biostatistics, and engineering. The Hamner offers exciting opportunities to use contemporary research approaches and instrumentation to address real-world issues. Over the past 25 years, more than 400 postdoctoral fellows have been trained at The Hamner and are now employed in responsible positions in industrial, government, and academic organizations.

Beckman Institute Posdoctorate Fellowships

The Beckman Institute Fellows program is intended for recent Ph.D.s or students in their final year of doctoral study with research interests relevant to the Beckman Institute. A competition is held yearly and four fellows are selected for terms of up to three years.

Initiated in the fall of 1991 with funding from the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, the program provides an opportunity for young scientists to spend several years doing independent research in the behavioral and biological sciences, chemistry, engineering, and physics before launching formal academic careers. Fellows are selected on the basis of their professional promise, capacity for independent work, interdisciplinary interests, and outstanding achievement to date. Preference is given to those applicants whose research interests correspond to one or more of the programs in the Beckman Institute.

Global Watershed GK12 Fellowships

Published in Tech Today

Federal Stimulus Funds a Boon for Sustainability Studies at Michigan Tech, Part 2

by Marcia Goodrich, senior writer

Michigan Tech is receiving over $3 million in federal funds from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, courtesy of the National Science Foundation. All four grants address sustainability topics. In the first part of a two-part series, we reviewed the three research projects made possible by federal stimulus funds. Today, we look at a new fellowship program that will improve doctoral students’ communication skills by bringing them into middle school classrooms.

Global Watershed GK12 Fellowships: Diving Deep into Water Topics with Middle School Teachers, Students

Starting this fall, Michigan Tech PhD students will begin an in-depth, collaborative effort to bring the engineering, natural science and political aspects of water resources to middle school students and their teachers. Professor Alex Mayer (CEE), director of the Center for Water and Society, anticipates that the effort will go beyond raising young people’s awareness of water issues. “Our goal is to give our doctoral students enthusiasm for communicating their work and a lifelong commitment to working with K12 schools,” he said.

Graduate students can have difficulty explaining their research to those outside their discipline, said Mayer. Yet, good communication skills are critical on multiple fronts, including teaching, professional advancement, and particularly for generating public understanding and support for science. “Communicating with lay people is difficult even for us who have been in the business for many years,” he said. “If our PhD students can learn to engage middle school students, they can reach any audience.”

Over its five-year length, the $2.5-million program will provide two-year Global Watershed GK12 fellowships to 18 PhD students, starting with five in summer 2010. The fellowships will consist of a generous stipend and tuition and fees. Each participant will be paired with a middle school teacher. Under the supervision of their teachers, the graduate students will deliver lessons on water-related topics, including their own work. They will also serve as a resource for their teacher on water-related topics.

The students will work in school districts throughout the western and central Upper Peninsula. In districts that serve a high proportion of Native American students, they will work with a consultant to make sure their lessons reflect native culture.

The program also has an international component. In cooperation with the Colegio Muñoz school system in Hermosillo, Sonora, Spanish-speaking PhD students will be paired with teachers in Mexico, in areas where water shortages have reached a critical level.

“They will give the teachers tools they can use even after the students leave their classrooms, and they will engage the middle school students to pursue careers related to water and watersheds,” Mayer said. “They can become ambassadors to the community from their university and connect with tomorrow’s citizens while furthering their own professional development.”

It will take an extra commitment from the PhD students, adding about a semester to their studies. But it will also give them advantages, especially if they join a university faculty, Mayer said. The National Science Foundation requires that many grant proposals, including the prestigious CAREER awards, include a K12 component. New faculty members who have participated in these fellowships should have no trouble involving K12 students and teachers in their work.

Coprincipal investigators on the grant are Associate Professor Nancy Auer (Biological Sciences), Associate Professor Linda Nagel (SFRES), Chair Bradley Baltensperger (Cognitive and Learning Sciences) and Shawn Oppliger, director of the Western Upper Peninsula Center for Science, (Mathematics and Environmental Education).

DOE Office of Science Graduate Fellowships

The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) has established the DOE Office of Science Graduate Fellowship ( DOE SCGF) program to support outstanding students to pursue graduate training in basic research in areas of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, computational sciences, and environmental sciences relevant to the Office of Science and to encourage the development of the next generation scientific and technical talent in the U.S.

The Fellowship award provides partial tuition support, an annual stipend for living expenses, and a research stipend for full-time graduate study and thesis/dissertation research at a U.S. academic institution for three years.

Application deadline is November 30th

Please email if you are interested in applying.

Fellowships in the Energy Field, Simulation and Training, and Ocean Engineering

The Link Foundation has posted three competitive fellowships for students working toward a Ph.D. degree:


Simulation and Training

Ocean Engineering

No limitations have been placed on citizenship.

If you would like to apply, please make an appointment with Jodi Lehman (   University endorsement required for proposal submission.