Category: News

Interesting stories about and for our students.

Fall 2009 Finishing Fellowship Recipients

The Graduate School has awarded its Finishing Fellowships for fall 2009.

The following PhD candidates have received a one-time finishing fellowship:

  • Venkat K. Donuru, Chemistry
  • Valerie J. Fuchs, Environmental Engineering
  • Steven Johnson, Chemistry
  • Sarah N. Kiemle, Biological Sciences
  • Mark D. Rowe, Environmental Engineering
  • Madhana Sunder, Materials Science and Engineering
  • Zhonghai Wang, Electrical Engineering
  • Jill C. Witt, Forest Science

The fellowships are made possible by the Graduate School.

Application procedures for finishing fellowships, photographs of recent recipients, and descriptions for all of the school’s fellowship programs can be found on the Graduate School’s web page.

GMES Students Receive Fellowships

Tech Today

The Stan Dyl Geology Fellowship has been awarded to Elisa Piispa, a PhD student in geology, for her work on improving the proterozoic continental reconstructions based on combining characterizations of the paleomagnetism, geology, mineralogy and geochronology of mafic dike swarms in India. This fellowship will be used to support her travel to India to present her work. She is advised by Assistant Professor Aleksey Smirnov.

Joshua Richardson, MS student in geophysics, has been awarded the P. M. Thorton Endowed Fellowship for his work on emerging seismic structural imaging techniques involving active and passive source imaging of the upper crust. Richardson has conducted seismic surveys at the Bering Glacier in Alaska and on Fuego Volcano in Guatemala. He is advised by Assistant Professor Gregory Waite.

Elisabet Head, PhD candidate in geology, has received the Seaman Museum Fellowship for her work on fluid inclusions in olivines erupted by Nyamuragira volcano. She is advised by Assistant Professor Simon Carn and the fluid-inclusion aspects were conducted in collaboration with Professor Paul Wallace at the University of Oregon.

Over 400 Students Graduating at Midyear Commencement

By Marcia Goodrich

Tech Today

December 3, 2009—

Michigan Technological University will honor the achievements of over 400 graduates at Midyear Commencement Saturday, Dec. 12.

A total of 308 bachelor’s, six associate, 91 master’s and 24 PhD degrees will be awarded.

George Butvilas, a member of the Board of Directors of Citizens Republic Bancorp Inc., will be the commencement speaker. At the ceremony, he will receive an Honorary Doctorate of Business.

Nominations open for The DeVlieg Foundation Graduate Fellowships

The Graduate School is accepting nominations for the 2010 DeVlieg Foundation Graduate Fellowships.  Applications are due in the Graduate School no later than 4 pm on February 4, 2010.

This year, The DeVlieg Foundation will provide $3,000 for up to four doctoral students and $1,500 for two master’s students in support of research in engineering or a closely related field. Only US citizens are eligible for the fellowships, which may be used to supplement other fellowships or assistantships.  Complete details on eligibility and review process can be found on our web page.

Each graduate program may nominate up to two doctoral students and one master’s student.

Nominees should provide the following information:

  • a completed application form
  • a curriculum vita
  • a brief description (no more than one page) of student’s research topic and intended use of the funds
  • a letter of support from advisor describing the merit of the candidate

Students will submit a completed application to their graduate program director.

Each graduate program may set their own internal deadline for review. Each graduate program will review their applicants, and may nominate up to two doctoral students and one master’s student. Graduate programs will deliver completed applications to the Graduate School in either paper or electronic format. If delivered as an electronic document, please e-mail a single PDF file to Debra Charlesworth.

Graduate School Holiday Closures

Due to University holidays and staff vacations, the Graduate School will be closed from December 24 – January 3.

The Graduate School will also be closed from 11:30am – 1:30pm on Friday, December 18th.

The Graduate School’s web page can provide assistance for many questions regarding:

Happy holidays and new year!

Library Study Rooms Equipped with Monitors for Presentation Practice

Published in Tech Today

Since mid-July, Michigan Tech students, staff and faculty have had a state-of-the-art way to practice their oral presentations: project them on a large-screen monitor in a study room in the Van Pelt and Opie Library. Large-screen monitors (42 inches) have been installed in rooms 302 and 303, two of the larger study rooms on the third floor of the library.

The monitors, which can easily be connected to a laptop computer, are open to all. The rooms may be reserved at the circulation desk or through Zimbra.

The technology was purchased with funding from the Friends of the Van Pelt Library, which obtains funding from donations and proceeds from its book sale. The next Friends Book Sale is April 9, 2010, with a presale for members on April 8. To become a member, make a donation at: .

“The students were asking for this, and when we proposed it to the Friends, they agreed to support it right away,” says interim Library Director Ellen Seidel.

Suggestions for the library can be sent to: .

Michigan Tech Graduate Student Aids International Bird Rescue Effort

By Jennifer Donovan

Michigan Tech News

November 16, 2009—

Conservation could be Amber Roth’s middle name. She loves anything to do with nature. Birds, trees, grasses, ecosystems: she’s fascinated by it all.

So after tucking a Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology and International Relations and a Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology under her belt, the Green Bay native came to Michigan Tech to earn a PhD in the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (SFRES).

Roth studies how to manage aspen forests to produce the maximum amount of biomass per acre without harming wildlife habitat. “It’s a management trade-off question,” she explains, and the basis of her PhD research

But Roth was raised by a devoted bird-watcher, and a tiny songbird that is facing hard times has also captured her heart. She has become an active member of the Golden-winged Warbler Working Group, an international conservation organization that spans two continents.

Weighing only 9 grams (equal to 4 dimes), the golden-winged warbler incredibly flies thousands of miles twice a year, migrating from its breeding grounds in the northern Midwest to its winter home in Central and South America.  The tiny bird makes the long migration 6 to 10 times in a lifetime.

Its fuel efficiency is the equivalent of several hundred thousand miles per gallon,” Roth says with a smile.

But the far-flying warbler is in trouble. There used to be as many as half a million of the birds, and now there are fewer than 200,000. “Its numbers are declining sharply, and we don’t know why. We don’t know where the patient is bleeding,” says Roth.

The Golden-Winged Warbler Working Group got a small grant from the US Fish and Wildlife Service to try to determine what’s happening to the bird. Their research is a collaborative effort involving American, Canadian and Latin American scientists.

Some of the researchers are examining the bird’s genetics, to locate genetically pure populations. Only one has been found so far, in Manitoba, Canada. Others are studying the biochemical signature in the golden-winged warbler’s feathers, which can reveal where the young birds go after their first migration. And a third group is working to connect where the birds winter in Central and South America to where they breed.

It’s a real skin-and-bones project,” says Roth. But money isn’t the only resource the researchers need.

Michigan Tech has contributed 21 mist nets—fine nylon nets used to safely capture birds for study before releasing them.  “These are older, damaged nets that I have in my lab, and the Latin American scientists know people who can repair them so that they can be reused,” SFRES associate professor David Flaspohler explains. Flaspohler is one of Roth’s PhD advisors, the other being Chris Webster.

If the nets were purchased new, they would cost as much as $100 each.

Like most of the other things she’s ever done, Roth says her work with the Golden-winged Warbler Working Group is helping prepare her for her dream career.  With work experience in the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and her PhD from Michigan Tech, she’s looking forward to climbing what she calls her “career triangle”—comprising research, education and conservation management.  “I like being involved in all three,” she says, “the research, the outreach, and the management on the ground.”