National Science Foundation Hands Out CAREER Awards

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has named three assistant professors winners of NSF CAREER Awards. Veronica Griffis (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Shari Stockero (Cognitive and Learning Sciences) and Greg Waite (Geological/Mining Engineering and Sciences) received the 2011 awards.

CAREER Awards are among the most prestigious honors granted by the NSF. They recognize faculty members early in their careers who are effectively integrating research and teaching.

“The CAREER program recognizes and supports teacher-scholars who are most likely to become the academic leaders of the 21st century,” said David Reed, vice president for research. “These young faculty members add tremendously to the reputation of Michigan Tech.”

See Tech Today for the complete story.

Hispanics in Higher Education Outstanding Disseration Competition

The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE), in conjunction with Educational Testing Service (ETS), has announced the third annual “Outstanding Dissertation Competition.”  The 2011 competition is open to those who have completed a dissertation between December 2009 and August 1, 2011 that either focuses on Hispanics in higher educatio or on select disciplines by an Hispanic student.  Details about the competition and recognition for the winners are available at

NSF Docotral Dissertation Grants in Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences

NSF is soliciting applications for the Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (SBE) Directorate’s Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (SBE DDRIG) program. An estimated 200-300 grants will be awarded from a pool of approximately $2.5 million available annually across all programs. Grants are awarded to “doctoral students to improve the quality of dissertation research. These grants provide funds for items not normally available through the student’s university. Additionally, these grants allow doctoral students to undertake significant data-gathering projects and to conduct field research in settings away from their campus that would not otherwise be possible.”  According to the notice, “the proposal must be submitted by the dissertation advisor(s) on behalf of the graduate student who is at the point of initiating or already conducting dissertation research.” Among the programs that support dissertation research are:  archaeology, cultural anthropology, documenting endangered languages, economics, political science, and sociology.  For a full list of eligible fields, as well as detailed information on application deadlines, please see the solicitation at:

Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship Program

Proposals are now being accepted for the 2011-2012 Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship Program. View the full Request for Proposals for details and to submit your dissertation proposal. All proposals must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Central Time on Wednesday, September 14, 2011.

The Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship Program is an annual competitive program that awards up to fifteen Dissertation Fellowship grants of $20,000 each to Ph.D., D.B.A., or other doctoral students at accredited U.S. universities to support dissertations in the area of entrepreneurship.

The DeVlieg Foundation and Finishing Fellowships Announced

The Graduate School is pleased to announce recent recipients of fellowship support.

The DeVlieg Foundation supports MS and PhD candidates studying engineering or a closely related field.   Our spring 2011 recipients are:

  • Christopher D. DeDene, MS Candidate in Civil Engineering
  • Meagan L. Harless, PhD Candidate in Biological Sciences
  • Brett P. Spigarelli, PhD Candidate in Chemical Engineering

Summer finishing fellowships were earned by six PhD candidates.  Finishing fellowships provide support to PhD candidates who expect to complete their degrees in the semester they are provided support.  The summer 2011 fellowships are made possible by the generous support of the Graduate School.

  • Yiru Chen, PhD candidate in Forest Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology
  • Fredline Ilorme, PhD candidate in Civil Engineering
  • Daniel Lopez-Gaxiola, PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering
  • Seyyed Hessam Mir Shah Ghassemi, PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
  • Yinghong Qin, PhD candidate in Civil Engineering
  • Christopher Schwartz, PhD candidate in Biological Sciences

Photographs of all of these students as well as other awards and fellowships coordinated by the Graduate School can be found online.

If You Have a Michigan Tech Degree, Bhakta Rath Knows You Can Do the Job

Bhakta Rath ’58 is the associate director of research and head of the Material Science and Component Technology Directorate of the US Naval Research Laboratory. He and his wife, Sushama, a computer analyst for the Virginia Community College System, have endowed an annual research award to an outstanding graduate student and faculty adviser for work that will help meet the nation’s needs and the challenges of emerging technologies. Attending the University’s 2011 Spring Commencement, Rath reminisced about his days at Michigan Tech more than 50 years ago and his vision for the future.

Luckily for Michigan Tech–and generations of graduate students and researchers here–Bhakta Rath never did get the hang of speaking German.

“After finishing my bachelor’s degree in India, I got a full scholarship to study in Germany,” Rath recalls. “But after six months trying to learn German, when all I could say was hello, good-bye and where is the bathroom, I realized that this was not the way to get a graduate education.”

So he came to Michigan Tech instead, with a BS in physics and mathematics and not a shred of engineering. When he sat down with the chair of the metallurgical engineering department, Corbin Eddy peered at Rath’s transcript and inquired: “Have you ever had a course in blast furnace?”

“No,” Rath replied.

“Open hearth?”




He asked about several other undergraduate courses. The response was the same, “No.”

Eddy shook his head.

“You are going to have to take all the undergraduate courses you would need in preparation for this degree and earn at least a 3.0 in them, plus your graduate courses and thesis,” he said. “It’s going to take you nearly six years to get a master’s.”

Rath politely but firmly disagreed. “I can’t do that,” he said. “My parents are paying for me to study here. I promised to come home in two years with a master’s degree, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

It took a staggering load of over 30 courses a year, but Rath did what he said he’d do. Then his advisor, Roy Drier, dropped another bombshell. “You need to stay one more quarter and take the mandatory course in Michigan history, so we can give you a BS as well as an MS,” Drier told Rath.

But Rath, who had already been accepted to a PhD program at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago, said no thanks. “I came here for a master’s; I’ll settle for the master’s,” he decided.

Despite his course load, Rath has happy memories of his time at Michigan Tech. He recalls staying in the old Scott Hotel in Hancock over Christmas break, when the University residence halls were closed. “It cost a lot–$1 a day–but with two of us sharing a room, it was only 50 cents each,” he says.

He’ll never forget his first ski adventure either. Some classmates took him up Mt. Ripley. Since Rath had never skied, they wanted to leave him on the easy slope. Rath was having none of that.

“If you are riding the lift to the top, I am, too,” he said. It took his friends about two minutes to ski to the bottom. “It took me two hours,” he says, “on my belly.”

Rath’s determination to complete his graduate degrees took another hit when he actually arrived at IIT. “You can start by forgetting everything you’ve learned at Michigan Tech,” he was told. “You’ll have to start all over and pass a 10-hour oral exam before you can even start on your PhD work.”

At the time, Michigan Tech was known as a practical engineering school, training students to work in heavy-industry settings. “The basic engineering Michigan Tech taught was the best in the country, but the University wasn’t preparing students to think about the basic science behind the engineering,” Rath explains. “Now a Tech education is much more science-based, and that’s a good thing, because we are not training students to work in blast furnaces and open hearths any more. We are preparing them to solve engineering problems, to create entirely new materials, processes and products.”

The engineering challenges are different now, Rath points out. “We used to focus on extracting raw materials and converting them to useable products. In what was then called the metallurgy department, it was all about metals, from mining to mineral dressing to processing. Now the spectrum is much broader, including polymers, ceramics, composites, semiconductors and all kinds of novel materials.”

One of the most serious challenges facing Michigan Tech and the nation today is the need to motivate more young people to go into science, technology, engineering and math, the STEM fields. Rath has made a commitment to help on that front through his work with the American Society for Materials (ASM) International Education Foundation. He is past president of the foundation and now serves on its board of trustees.

ASM develops nearly 50 summer camps for high school students and teachers, sponsored by the foundation, local industries and universities. Michigan Tech sponsored one in 2008.

“We need to excite American students about the STEM fields, and if you excite the teachers, they excite the students,” Rath explains. He has successfully talked the Office of Naval Research into funding summer teachers’ camps.

He’s a big fan of the hands-on approach to motivating the next generation. “Kids need to do things, to analyze real-world problems,” he says. “They need to look at a failed auto part and ask: ‘Why did this shaft fail, and how could we make it better?'”

The challenge of attracting young people to STEM studies is compounded by the trend in American business and industry to outsource not only manufacturing, but research and development.

“There aren’t enough American graduates to fill the STEM jobs,” says Rath. “Universities are training more and more foreign students in STEM fields, but they are returning to their homelands, not contributing to the intellectual capital of the US. This is a very serious challenge for the future of our country.”

by Jennifer Donovan, director of public relations
Published in Tech Today

Fall 2011 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Nominations for fall Finishing Fellowships are now open. Applications must be submitted to the Graduate School no later than 4pm on June 15th.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish in fall.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous request for funding.
  4. Must be eligible for Research Only Mode in fall.

Previous recipients of a Finishing Fellowship are not eligible.

Please see our application page for details on the application procedure. Please direct any questions you have about the application or review process to Debra Charlesworth.

Baillods on National Geographic

Professor Emeritus Robert Baillod (CEE) worked alongside his son Brendon during the filming of an episode of the “Explorer” series, “Ghost Ships of the Great Lakes,” which will run Saturday, May 14, from 7 to 8 p.m. on the National Geographic channel.

The teaser reads: “The discovery of a human skull in the depths of Lake Superior begins a story that will take historian and author Brendon Baillod across two Great Lakes and a century of history. It takes him and a team of elite technical divers more than 20 miles off Milwaukee, where they discover the wreck of one of Lake Michigan’s lost queens. It then takes them to the remote waters of Lake Superior where they risk their lives to determine the identity of yet another lost ship. And it takes us into the forgotten life of a brave and stubborn woman who lived, and died, on these wild waters. Whether her presence cursed these lost ships, or a more earthly explanation can be found, the Great Lakes reputation as a graveyard for mariners stands firm.”

Published in Tech Today.